
The Third-Level Saints and Beyond, Part 4 of 5

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Every time you get angry, just try to breathe in deeply, three, four to seven times, and then talk. Or say, “Just wait a minute.” Go in the bathroom, wash. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, just wait, I have to go.” And then go in the bathroom, wash yourself, splash cold water. Recite the Five (Holy) Names, pray to Master, come out and talk again.

(But not for us, because some people destroy Master’s work. In that case, we’re angry because of the situation.) Destroy? (For example, we want the thing to go this way, nice way,) Yeah. (but they make it in the way they like.) I know, I know. (For example. And then when we find it, it’s too late.) Oh, I know. (And then…) Then it’s too bad. (Too bad.) If too late, forget it. What to do? It’s too late. (But, for example, I’m in the middle.) And still can change? (Still can change.) Then talk to them reasonably, say, “So, please, it’s already like this, it’s no good.” Explain to them why it’s no good, and explain to them why your way is good. Make it logical, as much as you can, because it’s not like you go out, and then everybody says, “Oh, Tong is coming, wow! Yeah, yeah, let’s listen to her.” Of course not.

There’re maya everywhere. They’re next to my heels, they’re on your shoulders, they’re everywhere. They are there, especially waiting. Before you’re born, they’re already sitting there waiting for you to come. So be prepared for the worst. Remember, always, there’ll always be obstacles. It’s not like negative thinking, but it’s logical thinking. This world is a negative world. What do you expect? They’re all working for devils. They’re working for maya. They’re not working for me. They’re working against me, because they’re ignorant. That’s why I have to come here. That’s why you have to go out to fight through it, as much as you can. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, it’s alright. It’s OK. Sometimes Master’s work is smooth and successful, sometimes people obstruct and ruin it. We aren’t always successful. I’d be sitting pretty if I’m always successful.

Some of them (outside people) are even below the Astral Level. Even our fellow disciples, some of them are Astral Level. Some of them are even below the human standard, believe me. Just a little bit above hell. Not that I cannot save them, but what a job. Some of the disciples’ consciousness level is lower than my dog- and my bird(-people), lower than the lowest, lowest of my bird- or my dog(-people), or even outside dog-, or outside cat-, or outside bird(-people). They are at the level of hell, a little bit above it, a level of lion- and tiger(-people), vicious animals. They just came from there. They’re just reborn from lion- or wicked snake- or tiger(-people). What do you want them to do? Somehow, they got some merit, they became human beings. They evolved so fast into human beings, but they’re still there. And then they have some connection with the past with some of the disciples, so they got in. That’s why we say five generations go up. Even from hell, we take them up because they have a connection. You see? Five, seven, nine. Five is just a number.

So even I have to work with some almost hellish disciples, personally. Can you imagine how would you not? They’re everywhere. And they do a little work, even they ruin half of it, and help half of it, they still can go up later. You cannot have everybody at the same level as you are. No. Unfortunately. So, try your best. Reason with him, be sweet if he needs sweet, be hard if he needs hard. It’s not like if you scold somebody, you are bad or anything. No, somebody needs that. And you have to feel it, pray to Master, “What am I going to do with this person?” And get the answer and do it. If he needs sweet. Some people need sweet. Some people need a little hard reprimand and they wake up, or they… they let you. So you see, see which situation.

And when you go out, try to live a simple life, don’t sleep on people’s beds. Already I told you, I tell you again. (Yes.) Eat enough just to survive. That’s it. Even if they offer a lot of food, just eat as much as you need. And just a few things, not too much abundance. Now and again [is] OK, but not like every day you eat a hundred kinds of things like a king. No good. No good. Too much confusing karma in there. Too much confusing levels of consciousness inside your body. It’s no good for your spiritual gain, no good for your health either.

Even scientists will tell you that. We eat too many mixed things. Your body cannot adjust. They say eating simple items is better for you even. I’m not restricting on that, but whatever you do, you pay. Remember that even if you’re a Third-Level saint, you pay. You pay in different ways. At least you don’t go down, that’s it. That is good already. The Lord of Karma – “Bye, bye.” He’s looking up and mouth waters all over, ( “I lost it.” That’s all He can do.

Any other questions? Don’t be afraid. (Master, in Taiwan [Formosa], I’m informed many people ask if Master’s books can be circulated or be bought by the outside people. So we are looking for some good distributor.) Yeah, yeah, yeah. (We found one recently.) OK. (And we are planning to make Master’s books purchasable) OK. OK. (by outside people. Is that OK?) It’s OK. (We are thinking of this.) Yeah, because only people who have affinity will buy it, (OK.) so don’t worry. And if they don’t buy it, it’s OK, it sits there doing nothing. (OK.) No harm. And even if they sit there and people don’t have affinity, they also don’t buy, so don’t worry. Yeah, what else? (It is said the biggest bookstore in Taiwan [Formosa], they would like to sell Master’s books.) OK, fine. (It’s great.) They ask it for themselves, they came and asked? (The distributor, they came to ask.) Oh, then it’s OK. It’s OK. (OK. Thank You, Master.)

Yeah, you look always young. Only me, I look old with white hair already. I know you’re trying your best. It’s just sometimes your karma clouds your vision, clouds your judgment, and you don’t know what to do. It’s not like you don’t try. So next time, try to remember again and again always have humility and prayer, that’s all that will save you. Humility, prayer and work. Of course, meditation. Yes. (I know the last step of how to help is to pray to Master.) Yes, at least you have that humility. Yeah, then it’s good. It’s good. That’s the best medicine. (Should put down the pride and) Yes. (be humble to pray to Master,) Good. (“Oh, I cannot stand anymore and need Master’s help.”) Oh, OK, yes. Prayer doesn’t hurt you.

So how many of you have gone to the 70 (percent), the top? OK, stand up, let’s have a look at you. It’s OK. If you don’t mind, just stand up. Come on. (Oh, us?) Yeah! These are four champions! Good. Good. First prize. (It’s all given by Master. Thank You.) OK. Yeah, good, good. It’s good. It’s good. I know you’re not proud, so it’s OK. If you’re proud, you wouldn’t have got there. Alright? It’s very good. In a short time, you jumped very high. Yeah, jumped so high. Two months ago, you were only at the top of the Second (Level), two months or one and a half months ago. I check you guys every month. You know, when I had the retreat here, that’s when? End of December, right? Now it’s end of February. Two months. But when I announced it, it’s like, let’s say, almost two months; you jumped very high. That’s a big, big deal. And some of you also jumped very high. Many. Good, good, wonderful.

What did you do? Tell everybody, maybe your experience will help. (Master does it. Master does it all.) (In these two months, these two months.) What have you done in these two months? You’ve jumped so quickly. (Jumped so quickly.) (It’s Master’s doing.) (It’s easiest if we pray to Master.) (I said that it’s the easiest for me. It’s all done by Master. I often pray, and Master will do it.) (Pray frequently.) Do what frequently? (Pray. Pray.) Oh. She said for her, it’s very simple. Everything she does, she thinks Master does it, and she prays all day, prays all the time. She says, “Master, does it,” and that’s her secret. She says, for her, it’s very simple, “Master does everything.” Yeah, that’s it. And praying.

How about you? You’re also 70, no? Yes, the top. What’s your secret? (My secret is I read… I make a record) Yeah, yeah. (every day.) Every day, what do you… Record of what? (These five years, I record every enlightenment on the…) The diary, you make the diary, yes. (I checked, and because Master said after the retreat, many people [progressed] very soon.) Yes. (So, I checked my record. These two months, really, I got many very good enlightenments.) Yes. (So making a record is very good.) Yeah, making a record is good also. (It reminded me all the time) Yes. (of what I got [during] enlightenment) Yeah. (because…) Encourage yourself. (Yes, yes. Because getting enlightenment sometimes is not so difficult, but to keep the enlightenment is a little bit hard.) Yes. So, if you see how much you get, you want to get more. (Yes.) Ah! Good idea.

Tong. (Because I have been doing Master’s work, answering letters all the time. While I was doing it, I always thought: “Master, if You want me to do this and that, then You’ll have to give me power and wisdom, and a loving heart; otherwise, I can’t continue doing it. I want to do my best.”) OK. You pray like that. (I have no time to make any record.) Very busy. (And I haven’t been meditating that much. However...) OK. (I always pray to Master.) OK. She said her secret is also not much because she doesn’t have much time. She has to do a lot of Master’s work. And so, every time she does anything, she says, “Please, give me enough power, enough love to do it. Otherwise, I cannot do it anymore. I don’t have enough power. I don’t have enough patience to do it.” So, every time she’s just praying, praying. Because she’s working, she has to pray. So that’s how it works. Also, she doesn’t really meditate like very diligently or extra or anything, just because she has to do a lot of my work and she prays every time. Otherwise, she cannot do it. That’s what it is.

Yeah, who else? How about you? (Me, too. I think of Master, and think of Master’s teaching, and then pray to Master very sincerely.) She also sincerely prays to Master all the time, that’s it, to do the work that she does. And prays to Master to help. (Most of us have a lot of work, and so… Most of the resident initiates have a lot of work.) Oh. (Yes.) A lot of Master’s work. (Yes, yes.) She says most of the people in this group are the people who work very hard, mostly for Master’s work or public work for us. These, most people are the hard-working group. Yeah.

(That’s right. Me too, yes, because…) Yes. (Because every time they say they need some people to go there after and during the book fair, or someone needs help, “You go to talk to them.”) This and that. (I go, “No one likes to go, so only me.” When we do these public things, we need Master’s Blessing Power strongly.) Yeah. (So every time I pray to Master, and then) Yeah. (when I talk, they like it. So every time I accumulate so many experiences. So sometimes I go to the jails [to talk], sometimes I go somewhere. So, every time when I talk, I accumulate many, many experiences.) Yeah, yeah.

(And the least, should need to understand and start with more of Master’s teaching and the Holy books. So this…) Yeah. It involves you more in the Master’s teaching and all that. (Yes, yes.) Yeah. (And then make use of it.) Yeah, makes you do it. Make use of it. (Make use of it.) Yeah, yeah. That’s good. You are reminded all the time because you’re doing the work. (Yes.) You need to, you’re “forced” to, (Yes.) and you’re “forced” to pray. OK. Then you’re connected more with Master. Understand.

Photo Caption: Take Not Humble Familiar Thing for Granted. It Is Not Just the Appearance!

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