
Faith and Experiences, Part 4 of 12

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Be careful. You have to eat proportionately and well nourishing food. You have to be careful! There is a book that we wrote about how to cook vegan, “Supreme Kitchen.” There are very simple foods. (Yes, yes.) And you can choose the most simple one to start with. And if you like it, you continue. There are two books. Please have them. Because they have some that are also European style, Thai style, and Chinese and Aulacese (Vietnamese). There’s more international from what I remember. […]

OK. Next one. Let the men have a few more questions. They’re already restless. Yeah. (Hallo! Thank You, Master.) Whoever… Yes, yes, you’re welcome. (OK. Can I speak French?) Why? You speak good English. (OK. English, OK. I try. I have a lot of friends around me who are doctors and...) Are you one? Are you a doctor too? (Not me. Not me. Friends around me.) Yes. (And they often say, a lot of them say, that the vitamin B12) Yes. (is just in the red meals?) (Animal-people) meat. ([Animal-people] meat.) Yes. (And they say, after a few years, it can be dangerous for the brain. And this stressed me. So, I don’t know what to say to them. But do You have an argument on this?)

[On] vitamin B12 in the red (animal-people) meat? (Yes. They said that whoever …) And that [the lack of it] will cause brain damage? (Yes. Not good for the health. They said that if we don’t have vitamin B12, it’s not good after a few years.) Oh! I understand. “The B12 is in the red (animal-people) meat, and if you don’t have B12, then you have brain problems.” Right? (Yes, yes.) I see. After a few years, like say... five years? (Around that. I mean… the blood things... Just I don’t know what to say to them.) Many of them have already been vegan for 10 years, 15, I think. Do you have brain damage? Do you have brain damage? I think they do. Because they... Because of the lack of B12, that’s why they don’t spend their Christmas at home and come here, and sit on their bottoms, eat vegan, and do all kinds of things like that. And keep the Five Precepts and all this kind of...

I think they have a problem. And they go to feed the homeless and things like that. And spend their money on charity. And they cannot kill people, they cannot tell lies, and they cannot have lousy casual sex. They don’t even drink alcohol. Can you believe it? And never take drugs or cigarettes. I think they’re brain damaged for sure. For 10 years already. What else? (I don’t want to believe them, but I don’t know why they say that. Most of the doctors say that.) Prove it. Prove it. (Yes.) We are the living proof. Just tell them, you know many friends who are not even doctors, but they’re very healthy. (So we don’t need vitamin B12 inside this diet.) Do we need it? (Yes. Yes. We need it.) Supplement! (We take supplements. We can take shots too.)

(Tempeh has B12.) What, honey? (Tempeh has B12. Tempeh.) (Tempeh?) (Yes.) Let her talk in the microphone so people can hear it. (Tempeh has B12. Tempeh.) (Tempeh. What’s tempeh?) (Tempeh is fermented tofu. It’s an Aulacese [Vietnamese] food. You get it in a health food store; it has plenty of B12.) You know there’s stinky and salty, what they call fermented soybean curd (Fermented soybean curd.) in Chinese. You know they put it in a jar. And it’s salty. Just like cheese. (It comes frozen. It comes frozen.) Oh, frozen? (Yes. It’s very delicious. Very good.) Frozen? (Yes.) It’s not the fermented soybean curd? (No, it comes frozen.) Oh, yeah? (And it has lots and lots of B12 in it.) I didn’t ever know that even. But maybe I have brain damage, I’d never… I’d never know. People like me seem brain damaged to the world. You know? All the goodies we left behind. Just know sacrifice.

Yes, mother? To do with the B12? (Yes.) OK. Let them answer for you. (Yes. Is this on?) Yes. (There’s a lot of people that I’ve run across too that had a kind of depression. And that also comes connected with B12. It’s just that some people don’t make enough within their body, but there is a B12, no preservatives. No [animal-people] meat products. No anything. Melts under your tongue. In two weeks, some of the severe cases of depression were gone.) Wow! (And that is the B12. No [animal-people] meat.) Where is that? (Any natural food store has [vegan] B12.) Thank you, doctor. It melts right into your mouth. Wow! No effort needed.

What else about B12? Only about B12. OK? No other questions yet. Because he needs the answer. Whoever B12, raise your hand, if you have information. (You can also get a shot from your doctor for B12.) No, no. Not for me. A shot! That’s cruel. (A shot can...) This is a doctor here. Listen to the Doc. (A lot of the cereals are fortified with vitamin B12. A lot like, Edensoy soy milk is fortified with vitamin B12. So, there are non-animal[-people] sources of vitamin B12. And they do say in the medical world, that if you become deficient in B12, it can cause neurological damage.) Yeah. (But they do investigate vegetarians [vegans], and a certain sector of vegetarians [vegans] do become deficient in vitamin B12. And then when they take supplements, it’s corrected.) My God, I should take supplements.

OK. That’s a very good idea. When you have (vegan) B12, why not, you just melt it in your mouth. Buy a big box and melt it all. Once a day? (One. Under your tongue; it melts by itself.) Once a day? (Yes.) OK. (It’s very small.) Yeah. Actually, you know, if you take kind of a multivitamin, it is included inside. (Not enough.) Not enough? (This here is very, very much.) So… (This here has a lot of B12 in it. For those people, they were so depressed, and they called me up and they said, “two, two-and-a-half weeks, I feel great!”) Oh! Good. See, hear that? (So that’s very much; there’s a lot in it.) So, if you have brain damage, (Yes. Yes.) please take the B12.

OK, what else about B12? Wow! So many doctors around here, listen. You have stirred up a very controversial question. (Yes, hallo! I’ve heard that seaweed contains this also.) The what? (Seaweed.) Seaweed! (In the ocean.) Oh! Yeah! They have a lot of vitamin B. (All the seaweed have it.) All the seaweed have B12? (Yes.) Wonderful! That’s my favorite food. Then I’m not brain damaged after all. Thank God. People when they’re brain damaged, they don’t know they’re brain damaged. And now I know I’m not. Is that OK? Seaweed. (Thank You.) There is a lot of vitamin B in it. (Yes.) (OK.)

What? What? Wait, wait, wait! The lady doctor first. (And the best seaweed is spirulina. Different kinds of blue-green algae.) Blue-green what? (Blue-green algae, like...) (Algae.) What is “algae?” (Algae grow in the ponds. It’s like a seaweed.) Seaweed? Kind of seaweed. Blue or green? (Spirulina. That’s the name of the particular algae.) They have vitamin B and what? (In the highest concentrations, yes.) Oh! Wow! See that? What next? (And also, nutritional yeast, brewer’s yeast.) (Brewer’s yeast. Yeast.) (Yeast.) (Brewer’s yeast. It’s very high in vitamin B.) Ah! Yeast! Yes. (Brewer, like when you brew beer, but it’s not for beer.) Ah! Brewer’s yeast! OK! Drink non-alcoholic beer then. I drink a lot of that. I like that. Wow! Then I’m not brain damaged. Wow! Thank God! You scared me, you. I nearly jumped out of my seat.

Who else around here? Not the doctor again? The wise sage with white hair over there? (You don’t know me anymore Master, do You?) I do know. You are... Yes. Don’t say it. Last night I just asked about you. (You did?) Yes. (With my name?) I don’t want to say it. You say it. Last night, I just talked about you. And today, you appear. Yeah! With all my attendants, remember? Last night we just talked about her. Huh? (Yes, we did.) Because the guy, the Black guy who danced… from Georgia. (Yes.) And then I said, “Woo! I wonder what this sister’s doing? For a long time, I didn’t see her.” Over dinner, you know? Last night. (Yes.) And then today you appear, and I could hardly believe it. I said, “Oh, my God!”

(I look different, huh?) Looks so sagely and saintly with your hair. (With hair.) Yeah, much better. Why don’t you stay with us for a while? Don’t go home yet. (Oh! I’ll stay with you till I leave.) Oh, no. No. Not so long. I mean stay for a while. (Oh, yes. Yes, I will do.) What I mean is not that, not inside. Stay here for a while physically. (Oh, yes, yes. I’ll stay with you.) Come up to me for lunch later. (Oh! May I?) OK! Sure. Sure. And the ones I know. (Yes.) And that doctor. And someone that I know like friends. All of you are my friends, but not so... (Wonderful! I love You.) These people are personal. They hang around me for a long time and I’m “fed up” with them. I have to try somehow to get rid of them, by stuffing them down with dinner and lunch, then they leave me alone. (Then I can’t talk.) OK.

(One thing about the algae, like a few things, if it has too much sodium in [it], people that have high blood pressure – [goes] way up.) Yeah? (The algae is full of sodium.) Too much? (Yes, too much.) Too much can be... (I know from experience.) Too much can raise your blood pressure? (Yes.) Oh! Nobody eats that much. (Yes, yes.) I don’t think so. (No, but I mean if you’re looking for vitamin B12, don’t go a jar on it.) Don’t just (Yes.) take the whole chunk, right? (Yes, yes, yes.) OK. Be careful what you eat. (Yes.) Don’t eat too much. I don’t think people eat… (Look at all questions.) I don’t think people eat too much seaweed. Just once in a while, and the body will keep it and diffuse it later. (Yes.) Kind of. It’s OK. I think we’re alright. If we eat enough nutrition every day, (Yes.) just kind of... proportionately everything. And (vegan) miso soup and seaweed soup and... they have a lot of vitamin B inside.

(New vegetarians sometimes think the wrong way) Yeah, they do! (about vegetables. All vegetables – no vegetable protein, like in tofu) Yeah. (and TVP [textured vegetable protein].) Yeah. (Those things they don’t know. They go and they order a plate of vegetables. Not good.) That’s right. That’s right. Be careful. You have to eat proportionately and well nourishing food. You have to be careful! There is a book that we wrote about how to cook vegan, “Supreme Kitchen.” There are very simple foods. (Yes, yes.) And you can choose the most simple one to start with. And if you like it, you continue. There are two books. Please have them. Because they have some that are also European style, Thai style, and Chinese and Aulacese (Vietnamese). There’s more international from what I remember. You can write a little bit more like French (vegan) onion soup. Besides the baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, also have a lot of sources of vitamins in there.

Everything we eat actually has some. But just that it’s more concentrated in seaweed. And if you don’t like seaweed, then you can take Vitamin B. Also supplement together with seaweed. If you’re not sure, you feel depressed, and you feel tired, weak in the muscle or something like that, then you take more supplements. (Vegan) vitamin B12 is very cheap. (Very cheap.) Yes, everywhere it’s available. You ask your pharmacy and make sure they are vegan. (Natural food store.) Yes. (Pharmacies don’t... not usually…) Food Store? (Natural.) (Natural.) Natural food store. OK. Make sure they’re vegan. Ask them. OK then. Enough with B. Here, some more? Oh! My God! We have so many doctors.

Give, give. Oh, you do look different. (Really?) Yes. (Well, I want to ask You, if we [do] Quan-Yin…) No. Later. The vitamin B first. Is that right? No more B? No more B, right? (No more.) OK. Then let the men. And you come later. Because you (women) just talked now, and now it’s them. To be fair. Right?

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