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سخنان استاد اعظم چینگ های دربارۀ هزینه جنگ، قسمت ۴

بیشتر بخوانید
(Master, what happens to those soldiers’ souls when they died fighting for their country, but not at their will. For example, if they have been forced to fight or if it’s just their duty since they were born in a country where the leaders want to go to war, can they go to Heaven?)

I wish they would.

Those who kill – no matter what, no matter why, no matter how – will never forget it, nor forgive themselves, so their souls will be drifting in some dark and terrifying places, or suffering or torturing places until the effect wears off, until their karmic debt of blood is paid off in some form. Even if it’s not their fault, it could take forever. Poor souls. I told you: killing is absolutely against our own nature.

It’s not Heaven who condemns us. It’s we who cannot pardon our sinful actions, and we never forget or forgive ourselves. We have to pay.
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