
Multi-part Series on Ancient Predictions about our Planet: Prophecy Part 260 - The Divine Prophetic Wisdom of Saint Francis of Assisi (vegetarian)

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“Some preachers will keep silent about the truth, and others will trample it underfoot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Our Lord will send them not a true Pastor, but a destroyer.”

As Saint Francis of Assisi warned, the current pope, whom we refer to as p. Francis, and many who hold high ranks within the Catholic church do not hold human life to be sacred. As we learned in our previous episode, p. Francis publicly appoints, rewards, honors and celebrates outspoken abortion activists. He is a so-called “preacher” who tries to silence the shameful truth that there is a startling number of victims of sexual abuse perpetrated by the Catholic Church all around the world. This includes the molestation of toddlers, children, boys and girls, men and women, and even nuns.

Instead of protecting victims, p. Francis has promoted known rapists within the Catholic Church, and simply moved clergymen to different countries or dioceses when their sexual abuse has been uncovered, thereby allowing them the freedom to prey on other innocent victims in their new location. His actions show that he does not want to stop the rampant sexual abuse that ruins the lives of countless innocent victims.

If he sincerely wanted to do so, he would remove sexual offenders from the clergy. Thus, the actions of p. Francis reveal that he is trying to conceal sex crimes rather than fix the problem.

It seems that only the pope has the power to punish his cardinals. So why doesn't he take stronger action? Maybe because he, too, faced accusations in his homeland of Argentina long before his election.

Our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai has been condemning p. Francis of his evil deeds and has revealed his true nature.

“You remember this guy, p. Francis, he’s pro-everything that is not moral and not humane. If you remember, he was pro-abortion because he treated those who make abortion rights into law like saints. (Yes, Master.) And he also proclaimed that, “sins of the flesh are not too serious.” Remember? (Yes, Master, that’s true.) Concerning all these people who had like extra marital affairs, or even hinting of sexual abuse of children. (Yes, Master.) So, he is also pro-child sexual abuse. (Yes.)

So, he is pro-abortion, pro-sins and even encourages people to sin. (Yes, Master.) Because he said sins of the flesh are not serious. And he is also pro-sexual abuse of children, the victims, he ignores them even when they complain, they plea. Ignores the pleas of sexual abuse victims. And now he’s pro-Putin or pro-war, it’s just another evil approval. (Yes.) Nothing surprises us anymore. Is there? (No, no, Master. Not at all.)

He’s not pro-Putin. He’s not actually. (Why, Master?) Do you know why I say that? (No, why, Master? No, we don’t, Master.) Because he’s pro-Satan. (Yes. Right.) So, it’s worse. (Yes, Master.) You know already, many disciples saw him like an evil demon. (Yes, Master.) A very special and ugly looking demon.”

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