
Multi-part Series on Ancient Predictions about our Planet: Prophecy Part 259 - The Divine Prophetic Wisdom of Saint Francis of Assisi (vegetarian)

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Great power comes with great responsibility. And if this is used for selfish and evil acts, this inevitably will lead to doom. As we explored last week, Saint Francis of Assisi (vegetarian) foretold that a man would assume the position of a pope through unconventional means. This man would misuse his power of influence to carry out destructive acts, dragging countless others into the depths of sins and death. In today’s program, we will share the details of Saint Francis of Assisi’s prophecy and His warnings concerning the wicked deeds of this individual, who seems to be none other than p. Francis, currently sitting at the top office of the Catholic Church.

“At the time of this tribulation a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavor to draw many into error and death.”

As we discussed in the last episode, p. Francis was not justly appointed according to Canon law. And since his cunning designation, one of the most destructive acts of p. Francis is that he encourages priests to forgive those who support and promote the merciless act of killing unborn humans through abortions, as well as to forgive those women who have had an abortion carried out, despite God’s Commandment “Thou shalt not kill.”

His behavior directly suggests that he too is in favor of abortion. Consider for example, that he recently appointed an outspoken pro-abortion campaigner, Mariana Mazzucato, to the Pontifical Academy for Life. Why would one do this when abortion is clearly opposed by the Catholic Church?

In addition to this, p. Francis also granted a prestigious award to another former politician who is known for their activism in favor of abortion rights, Lilianne Ploumen, who said that the award came after much “personal investment in contacts with the Vatican.”

And former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who openly supports abortions and was denied sacrament by her local archbishop was instead allowed by p. Francis to take communion.

P. Francis also supports the Joe Biden who pushes to use taxpayer money to both fund abortion and to restore Roe v. Wade, which was overturned, enabling individual states to make abortion illegal.

Thus, we can see that p. Francis is really in favor of killing innocent babies. He unashamedly is going against the Catholic Church’s teachings and ignoring God’s Commandment of “Thou shalt not kill” by publicly supporting, praising, rewarding and promoting abortion activists. This evidence points squarely at Bergoglio, or p. Francis – as the false pope as foretold by the Venerated Saint Francis of Assisi, who would lead many into wicked acts, errors and deaths or destruction as they agree with the devils instead of opposing it. All this in a world where, according to the World Health Organization, around 73 million abortions take place worldwide annually. It has been the leading cause of death for four years in a row. And as an online article stated, “This elevates abortion to the level of genocide.”

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