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”Sống Với Các Vị Chân Sư Trên Hy Mã Lạp Sơn”: Những Thể Nghiệm Tâm Linh Của Swami Rama, Phần 2/2

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He said, “This will come according to your practice and experience.” Don’t hanker for all these so-called powers. Don’t do that. Human potentials are immense. If you study the life of great people, whenever they said, “It’s not we, it’s God (who) has done.” Why did they say that? It is done through them, why did they say that it is God (who) has done? Are they lying? Because if you did this and that it has been done by us, it will feed their ego. The greatest of all barriers in the path of enlightenment is ego.
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