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Trích Tuyển Zohar – Triết Lý Mật Pháp Kabbalah Về Âm Thanh, Linh Hồn, Và Bí Ẩn Của Ngôi Lời, Phần 2/2

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The nephesh and ruach are the two angles at the base of a triangle and with that of the apex form a whole or perfect figure. When the neshama, the spiritual self or higher self, prevails and rules within a man, he becomes holy and divine, because he then begins to conform himself to the image or likeness of the Holy One. The nephesh is the lower part of the individuality and its personal manifestation is the outward material body. Without the one, the other could not exist. As the body is to the nephesh so is this nephesh to the ruach. The ruach is superior to the nephesh.
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