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Trích Tuyển Kinh Menog-i Khrad Của Bái Hỏa Giáo: Chương 31- 40, Phần 2/2

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We continue to present to you the ancient wisdom in the Zoroastrian scriptures. “Wherefore is it when they do not allot the happiness of the worldly existence according to worthiness, and they make the soul a seizer upon the spiritual existences by worthiness of action? What is that which no one is able to deprive one of? What is that thing which it is not possible to buy at a price? And as to that which is asked by thee ’concerning the spiritual and worldly existences, the worldly existence is, in the end, death and, disappearance, and of the spiritual existence, in the end, that of a soul of the righteous is undecaying, immortal, and undisturbed, full of glory and full of enjoyment, forever and everlasting…”
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