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In some scriptures, Maitreya is mentioned as having been one of Shakyamuni Buddha’s disciples. One day, the Worshiped Shakyamuni Buddha told His assembly that Ajita, the Maitreya Bodhisattva, would soon be reborn in Tushita Heaven. “Listen single-mindedly! In radiant great Samadhi, The one with unsurpassed merit Will rightfully appear in the world. “ “If one, under the past seven Buddhas, has heard the names of Buddhas and made obeisance and offerings, one’s karma hindrances will all be annihilated. If one has also heard of Maitreya Buddha’s great loving kindness, one will achieve a pure mind. You all should join you palms single-mindedly and take refuge in the great loving-kind, compassionate One to come.”