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Tiết Mục Nhiều Tập Với Các Tiên Đoán Thời Xưa Về Địa Cầu Chúng Ta: Lời Tiên Tri Về Thời Đại Hoàng Kim Phần 16 - Lời Tri Ân Đặc Biệt Dành Cho Chúa Giê-su Ki-tô, Hoàng Tử Hòa Bình

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The Essenes believed that someday the Lord would revisit the Earth to establish a new kingdom, a righteous golden age. Jesus Christ’s close disciples knew that their Master was going to reincarnate in the future, because He promised them He would. In His reply, as recorded in the Holy Bible, Lord Jesus prophesied what we call today the “Second Coming of Christ.” We will read this famous prediction together when our series continues. Plus, evidence will be presented as to why we have come to believe that Supreme Master Ching Hai’s mission today is a fulfillment of His prophecy.
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