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Trích Thánh Điển của Bạch Huynh Đệ Đại Đồng: Viên Đá Bị Loại Bỏ, Do Nhà Đạo Hạnh Hristo Madzharov Trình Bày, Phần 2/2

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The Lord says, “This Divine net will be cast to the end of the world; some will be taken out of the sea on the shore, while others will be cast again into the sea.” We should take a more serious attitude to all problems and consider what kind of people we should be. Everything, every thought, every angel has their role in the cosmos. This way the wheel along which runs the progress of humanity is in motion. They must do the will of God. A store represents what is changeless, constant and permanent. Philosophers will vanish, but the principles of nature will remain invariable.