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Hành Trình Của Ngài Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư Đến Những Cảnh Glới Cao Hơn Của Vũ Trụ, Phần 1/6 ngày 16 tháng 6, 2013

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And now that I have discovered so many levels, to visit each one, you have to visit at least one hour in order to be able to absorb all the powerful, benevolent attributes, and then you can re-distribute it into the physical word or in the universe. The physical body is like a tool, in order to distribute this power that is passing down from the soul, from the higher level. The world benefits a lot. Like peace or like the karmic reduction, or the stability. Can’t completely avoid, because of the heavy bad karma of the world, of this world’s people. As long as we keep killing animals and killing each other, the bad karma never can be completely erased.