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Sống Thanh Đạm: Bắt Đầu Từ Bàn Ăn - Trích Các Bài Giảng Của Ngài Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư, Phần 1/2

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Please take care, please do something. We should decide that we can do anything at all in our power to preserve our lives on the planet. Vegetarian(vegan), sustainable energy, plant trees and,we pray. Choose a vegetarian,(vegan) diet, then all will cool down, all disaster will disappear. We will see how simple and happy life can be and how we will think clearly, and how our heart will be more open, more blissful. Live a frugal and saintly life,the virtuous life, the life without guilt. We will have the chance to keep this home that we so love, also for our future children.
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