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Trích Kinh Menog-i Khrad Của Bái Hỏa Giáo: Chương 1-3, Phần 2/2

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Thou shouldst not become presumptuous through any happiness of the world; for the happiness of the world is like such-like as a cloud that comes on a rainy day, which one does not ward off by any hill. Thou shouldst not be too much arranging the world; for the world-arranging man becomes spirit-destroying. Thou shouldst not become presumptuous through much treasure and wealth; for in the end it is necessary for thee to leave all. Thou shouldst not become presumptuous through predominance; for in the end it is necessary for thee to become non-predominant. Thou shouldst not become presumptuous through respect and reverence; for respectfulness does not assist in the soiritual existence. Thou shouldst not become presumptuous through great connections and race; for in the end thy trust is on thine own deeds. Thou shouldst not become presumptuous through life; for death comes upon thee at last.
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