Українська Мова

Из священной Акарангасутры джайнизма, книга II: лекции 8 и 10, Часть 1 из 2

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Quitting your former connections place your affection on nothing; a monk who loves not even those who love him, will be freed from sin and hatred. Then the best of safes, who is exempt from delusion and possesses perfect knowledge and faith, speaks for the benefit and eternal welfare, and for the final liberation of all beings. All fetters of the soul, and all hated, everything of this kind, should a monk cast aside; he should not be attached to any pleasures, examining them well and talking care himself. An ignorant sinner who never fixes his thoughts on the soul’s benefit and eternal welfare, but sinks down through hatred and the temptation of lust, will be ensnared.
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