
Meditation: From “I Have Come to Take You Home” by Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan), Part 2 of 2

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Chapter 7 Meditation The Quan Yin Method of Meditation

“Our path isn’t a religion. I do not convert anyone to Catholicism or Buddhism or any other ‘ism,’ I simply offer you a way to know your Self, to find out where you come from, to remember your mission here on Earth, to discover the secret of the universe, to understand why there is so much misery and what awaits us after death. And every day you will see everything just like you see me now. I do not ask you to believe me, but to experience it every day for yourself.

The method is transmitted without words. If we use language to be enlightened, we are still in the intellectual realm and the mind will be wrestling and all this is very tiring. So I do not teach you a kind of mind-wrestling method because I think that we are tired enough from working every day, struggling with our problems, so there is no need to go home, sit cross-legged and wrestle again!

You probably heard there were different methods leading to enlightenment, and indeed there are several. However, there is only one that can lead you to the highest enlightenment. You can take different paths at the beginning, but you will have to take this one to reach the top. This path must include contemplation of the inner (Heavenly) Light, and of the inner Vibration that the Bible calls the Word.

“Know ye not that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16)

So, we get in contact with this Spirit, which is a manifestation of Divine Light and Vibration, and by doing so, we know God.

In fact, it isn’t really a method. It is the power of the Master. If you have it, then you can transmit it. The method is a transcendental one that cannot be described by our language. Even if someone describes it to you, you will not receive the (inner Heavenly) Light and the Vibration, the inner peace and wisdom. Everything is transmitted in silence, and you will see your old Masters like Jesus or Buddha. You will receive all that you need to follow Their footsteps, and little by little you will become Christ-like, and you will become one with God.

Chapter 7 Meditation The “Word”, the Inner Vibration

“There are two kinds of sound: the worldly sound, and the supra-worldly Sound. The worldly sound is very important to our sensual and mental comfort, but the supra-worldly Sound draws us back to God.

The Heavenly Music spoken of in all Holy scriptures of different religions such as the ‘Word’ in Christianity, the ‘Shabd’ in Hinduism, the ‘heavenly music’ in Chuang-tzu, the ‘Tao’ in the Tao Te Ching, etc., are the only real teachings direct from the Kingdom of God. They are the language of universal love and great intelligence. All teachings come from the Silent Sound, all languages come from this universal language. That’s why high-level initiates on this path speak all languages within the Soul sphere. That is the level of the Master, the One who has mastered the language of the Kingdom of God. We all possess this wisdom, the wisdom to understand all things above this shadowy world, to be omnipresent and to function as the most perfect being in the universe, if only we desire to remember again what we truly are.

This Word or Divine Vibration is mentioned in all religions. We call it Yin, others call it celestial music, Logos, Tao, etc. It vibrates within all life and sustains the whole universe. This inner melody can heal all wounds, fulfill all desires and quench all worldly thirst. It is all-powerful and all-love. It is because we are made of this (inner Heavenly) Sound that the contact with it brings peace and contentment to our heart.

After listening to this (inner Heavenly) Sound, our whole being changes, our entire outlook on life is greatly altered for the best. The wondrous Vibration will cleanse off all undesirable traces of ‘original sin’ or what others call ‘karma.’ It is like a mighty river carrying along with its current all ugly garbage. This (inner Heavenly) Sound is the great creative force of the cosmos. It sustains and nourishes all things. Its manifestation in the outer world can be heard in the natural melodies of the wind, the water, bird-people, etc., which are the lower manifestations. There are, however, more subtle and higher sounds which are inaudible to our physical ears, because they vibrate at a higher rate than our material world.

The way to these higher dimensions lies in the (inner Heavenly) Sound itself, which we follow back to its original source. To hear higher sounds and see higher worlds, we must open and develop our higher senses. And to do this, we need a guide, a Master of the Way, who is like a travel guide who knows what lies ahead. Religious scriptures only describe these worlds, just like a land map. To really know the land, we have to get there in person. When we have a guide, then it is quicker and safer for us.

“I Have Come to Take You Home” is free for download at SMCHBooks.com and has been published in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, etc.

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