
Meditation: From “I Have Come to Take You Home” by Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan), Part 1 of 2

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Meditation Why should we meditate?

“Why should we meditate? To still our minds, in order to receive the teachings from Heaven, from the Kingdom of God, or from higher worlds. We always keep praying and asking, “Please give me wisdom, please give me that,” and then when God wants to speak, Hes has no chance anymore because we are busy all the time. We talk, we ask and we do not listen. Do you understand? So meditation is the listening time. Just like when you ask me a question, you have to be still for a while, quiet, then I have a chance to tell you what I want to tell, or what you need to know. So meditation is like this. Sit still and receive the message. Otherwise, God wants to tell you a million things and you have no time to hear it. You are too busy talking, praying and singing, and prostrating, and counting the rosary. It is all right to do this. I do not mean that it is not good but then we must be still for some time, so that God has a chance to communicate.

Everyone already knows how to meditate, but you meditate on the wrong things. Some people meditate on pretty girls, some on money, some on business. Every time you pay full attention, one-pointedly and wholeheartedly, to one thing, that is meditation. Now, I pay only attention to the inner Power, to the compassion, to the love, to the mercy quality of God, and that is my meditation. To do so officially, we should just sit in a quiet corner and be by ourselves, that is the process of meditation. But it isn’t by sitting quietly in a corner that one gets something. You have to be in contact with that inner Power first and meditate using that inner Power. This is called Self awakening. We must awaken the real Self inside and let Hirm meditate, not our human brain and our mortal understanding. If not, you will sit down and think about a thousand things and won’t be able to subdue your passions. But when you are self-awakened, the real inner Self, the God power within you, will control everything. You only know real meditation after you are awakened by transmission by a real Master. Otherwise, it is only a waste of time wrestling with your body and mind.

The True Meaning of Meditation

“Now it isn’t that we must sit there and think about God all the time. We just have to merge with God, and become one with God, and always be in Hiers consciousness. That is what is meant by the Kingdom of God. If you go to the church once in a while, on Sunday, it is also a way to seek the Kingdom of God, but probably not a very fruitful way. Because Jesus said to us that the Kingdom of God comes not through observation, but it is within us. If it is so, what shall we do? Still, we must meditate, even though it is said that the Kingdom of God doesn’t come through observation, meaning not through meditation even. But it makes us more aware of it. The Kingdom of God isn’t made by meditation, but by meditating we become aware of our Kingdom, which is already existing within ourselves.

Our meditation, we believe, is the original plan from God, that we should get in touch with the God power and with the Word of God. In the Bible it is said, In the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God (John 1:1)

So we meditate on the Word, which is the Vibration within, the Word which indicates the frequency, the God Power. Because we are the temple of God, and God speaks to us in such a way. Hes appears to us in the form of (inner Heavenly) Light and speaks to us in the form of (inner Heavenly) Sound. Seeing the (inner Heavenly) Light, we see many other things. Hearing the Word we hear many other things. We hear the teachings directly from God. So this is what we are meditating on. But when we have a powerful teacher, you may pray inside to Him or Her, if you have difficulty in meditation, or if you are too far from God, then you might need an intermediary. So you are still a little weak like a baby that needs his parents to hold him, so he can walk. But later you walk alone. You must know that your goal is walking alone, and growing up, and not to rely on parents forever.”

How to Meditate?

Simply turn your attention to where you should, to God, instead of money or other things. You already have the ability to meditate. Otherwise, you couldn’t do your business, or take care of your children, if you didn’t have any attention. So just turn it to the Kingdom of God. We will teach you more precisely with time, it is only that the before and after procedures take time to explain. It is so you may know what awaits you on the way to Heaven, on the different levels of consciousness. Therefore, it takes some time. Otherwise, you would just close your eyes and get immediately enlightened. […]

“It will come naturally after some time of practicing. It will just be effortless. You won’t even know when you think or don’t think. You just sit there and it happens. The (inner Heavenly) Light will come, the (inner Heavenly) Sound will come, and you will be oblivious to everything. And whenever you want to come out of it, you will be aware of everything again. All right? It is very easy.”

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