
Notícias de Destaque

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In today’s news, Japan provides recovery aid to Iraq, El Salvador and Honduras receive funding for pandemic response, United Kingdom to harness energy from waste, United States scientists develop compound to enhance solar panels, Sudan commits to ending abusive practice against women, Spanish food tech company introduces 3D printed vegan pork, and turtles build nests on empty beaches in Thailand.


Japan supports reconstruction and peacebuilding in Iraq.

Japan, a Shining World Leadership Awards for Compassion, Animal Protection and Generosity laureate, has donated US$3.6 million to the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) to rebuild infrastructure and public spaces as well as build low-cost housing for Yezidi returnees in Sinjar, Iraq. Additionally, the project will provide vocational training for the Yezidi, who after graduation can work for UN-Habitat in rehabilitation and construction endeavors. Since 2014, Japan has contributed US$540 million to people affected by the conflict in Iraq. Our heartfelt appreciation, Japan, for your continued support and generous donation to assisting the gentle Yezidis. Many thanks also the United Nations Human Settlements Programme for your humanitarian work. May the kind people of Iraq flourish in Heaven’s care.


World Bank supports Central American countries amid COVID-19 pandemic.

The World Bank has approved US$20 million loans each for El Salvador and Honduras to aid in response to the pandemic. This will facilitate both countries to invest in personal protective gear for frontline medical staff, hospital equipment including for intensive care units, medical supplies, and medicines. El Salvador will also train hospital workers and communicate health messages to at-risk people, citizens at large and medical personnel, while Honduras will support rapid response teams to contain the contagion, provide technical training and assistance for health workers as well as apparatus for laboratories and isolation centers. Our accolades and gratitude, World Bank, for your praiseworthy funding. May it bring much protection to the God-loving people of El Salvador and Honduras, in Divine mercy.


Up next, United Kingdom to harness energy from waste. Let’s take a moment to thank the irrigation engineers, who plan and manage projects to distribute fresh water to fruit and vegetable farms. We’ll be right back, with more assuring news on Supreme Master Television. Good day smart viewers, it’s Benjamin the Bengal Fox, with a tech savvy tip for you. Hold down the Windows key along with the Pause/Break key in order to get the System Information panel up and running. This may be the sole use for the Pause/Break key, so might as well enjoy it! Thank you for your attention, and lots of love for Being Veg and Going Green 2 Save the Planet for all humans and us all co-inhabitants. Now it’s time for the worldwide weather.


United Kingdom to soon host waste-to-energy plant.

The Kelvin Energy Recovery Facility in West Bromwich is the result of a partnership between investment company, Low Carbon, waste-to-energy business, Wheelabrator Technologies, and sustainable energy project developer, Verus Energy Limited. It will produce a maximum of almost 50 megawatts, or enough to power 70,000 homes while 395,000 metric tons of non-recyclable waste will be fed into the plant per year, thus sparing it from landfill or export. Way to go Low Carbon, Wheelabrator Technologies and Verus Energy Limited on your new project to extract energy from waste. May your facility be the first of many as we diligently strive to ensure our actions and lives contribute to the health of the planet, in Celestial radiance.


United States researchers create a new compound for photonics applications.

Professor Carsten Milsmann and team at West Virginia University in the US have successfully fabricated a new chemical photosensitizer, meaning it promotes chemical reactions in the presence of light, made from zirconium. This compound exists abundantly, compared to precious metals traditionally used, is easier to access, more sustainable and cost-effective, and could be used to make more efficient solar panels. Looking to make their compound water soluble, the research team envisions it can be used in biomedical devices to use light to treat cancer patients. Kudos Dr. Carsten Milsmann and team for your innovation! As the world adopts a compassionate lifestyle, in Heaven’s grace, may there be many more such significant accomplish that benefit humanity.


Sudan outlaws female genital mutilation.

As part of its pledge towards prioritizing women’s rights, Sudan’s transitional government, led by Prime Minister His Excellency Abdalla Hamdok, has approved a legislative amendment that criminalizes the traditional practice of female genital removal. According to the United Nations, an estimated nine in ten Sudanese women have endured the invasive, dangerous and harmful circumcision. Under the new law, anyone who performs the illegal procedure faces a three-year prison term and a fine. In response to this new victory for Sudanese females, Nimco Ali, co-founder and CEO of Five Foundation, a global organization dedicated to ending the horrific practice, tweeted, “Sudan has truly entered a New Era for Girl Rights…Sudan… thank you for placing the protection of women and girls at the heart of this new chapter.” Our deep gratitude and Heaven’s immense blessings, Your Excellency Abdalla Hamdok and Sudan. May all live a dignified life of respect and equality, in Allah’s benevolent guidance. Master Ching Hai: “Gratefully present the Shining World Leadership Award for Good Governance to His Excellency Abdalla Hamdok and the government of Sudan, with high salute, praises and much gratitude for your noble and wise decision. May you and your caring country be graced with forevermore love and protection from the Divine.”


Coming up, Spanish food tech company introduces 3D printed vegan pork. We now pause to appreciate the makers of summer fabrics that are cool to the touch and light on our skin. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for more delightful news. Welcome back to Noteworthy News – Admirable News for a Laudable World.


Spanish food tech startup creates plant-based printed pork.

Nova Meats, founded by Dr. Giuseppe Scionti from Italy, has created 3D printed pork called Pork Skewer 2.0, made from plant proteins, olive oil, seaweed extract, beet juice concentrate and natural flavors. Pork Skewer 2.0 was created to replace animal-based meat, which is experiencing shortages as factories have been shutting down due to hygiene issues linked to the COVID-19 pandemic. The concerns over food safety have also led to a rapid increase in demand for plant-based substitutes. Dr. Scionti, who is CEO of the company and a member of MENSA International High-IQ Society, stated that Nova Meats’ objective is to demonstrate that their technology can be used by manufacturers to produce a wide selection of meat and seafood alternatives. What great news Nova Meats. May your process be met with abundant success as all nations choose a vegan and jubilant future for all beings, in Saintly kindness.


Turtles build nests on empty beaches in Thailand.

Thai authorities have found 11 nests of rare leatherback sea turtles, which are the most nests discovered in 20 years. The increase has been attributed to the fact that beaches are virtually without people, due to the COVID-19 lockdown. This has enabled the species, listed as vulnerable globally and considered to be endangered in Thailand, more space for nesting. In addition, 84 hatchlings were found in late March at a national park bordering the Andaman Sea after staff had watched over the eggs for two months. Our hearts are filled with joy to hear of the expansion of the leatherback sea turtle population, Thailand. We pray the young turtles will grow into strong and healthy adults as they bless the planet with their wise and loving vibrations.


How about a joke of the day to bring out a smile? This one’s called, “Summary of Time. Watching a TV show on couples prompted Hank to ask his wife of 60 years:

“If you had to do it over again, would you marry me?”

“You’ve asked me that before.”

“What did you reply?”

“I don’t remember.”


And now we have a heartline from Michelle and Melinda in the United States:

Dear Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thanks for making Earth a better place. You always make my day shine like rainbows and Thank You, Thank You and Thank You so much. I love You very much and could You make more videos about the New Land Ashram? It’s the most beautiful place in the world though I have never been there. Thanks for being so nice and kind. Love, love, love... from Michelle

Dearest Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank You for Your teachings of how it takes zillions and millions of merits to be in a human body, and is it true that we had to be trapped in a human body to be born? I also very much appreciate the Supreme Master TV team for giving their time to film the videos. Thank you very much. Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet. Love by Melinda

(Dear Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master TV team: We are Melinda and Michelle from Seattle, the United States of America. We are twins, eight years old and vegan. We love to watch Supreme Master TV; please send our love to Supreme Master Ching Hai. Thank you very much. Love, and love from Melinda) Seattle, United States of America


Creative Melinda and Michelle, Thank you so much for not only tenderly expressing your love and gratitude to Supreme Master Ching Hai but also for sharing the exquisitely beautiful and caring cards you have made for Master. It is heartwarming to know that you enjoy the programs on Supreme Master Television.

Master has some words for you both: “Your artistic cards are made with true love and purity. Thank you, my affectionate ones, for putting your heart and soul into them. Heavens are always blissfully watching over good kids like you. Sweet Michelle, if the opportunity arises to film around the New Land Ashram again, the Supreme Master TV camera crew will do it. Lovely Melinda, in order for the soul to be on this planet it does need a physical body. But the souls of the repentant ones, can be liberated through the grace of an enlightened Master, also by practicing the Quan Yin Method of meditation diligently – no need to be trapped here anymore. May the Divine shower you, your family and the hopeful United States with innumerable blessings.”


We welcome your heartlines and stories. Please send them via


We sure have enjoyed spending time with you on Noteworthy News. May tranquility and kindness be your gifts from Heaven.

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Notícias de Destaque ( 2020-06 ) (17/30)

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