The animal-people factories don’t kill the animal-people, they kill our world!
The animal-people factories don’t kill the animal-people, they kill our world!
2023-06-15 1431 Visualizzazioni
The blood in ur vein shouldn’t b animal-blood. It should b pure, evolved humans’. B vegan then!
The blood in ur vein shouldn’t b animal-blood. It should b pure, evolved humans’. B vegan then!
2023-06-15 1171 Visualizzazioni
Don’t b jailed in brutality: free urself 2 b vegan, getting out 2 make peace.
Don’t b jailed in brutality: free urself 2 b vegan, getting out 2 make peace.
2023-06-01 1712 Visualizzazioni
Save lives, not eliminate it. KEEP peace, do good deeds, choose vegan feed!
Save lives, not eliminate it. KEEP peace, do good deeds, choose vegan feed!
2023-06-01 2045 Visualizzazioni
KEEPING peace? Wow! The whole world will b thanking God! N kowtow 2 u.
KEEPING peace? Wow! The whole world will b thanking God! N kowtow 2 u.
2023-06-01 2125 Visualizzazioni
Wrote a vegan essay n is top of ur class? Thank ur kind heart, not just ur upgraded IQ.
Wrote a vegan essay n is top of ur class? Thank ur kind heart, not just ur upgraded IQ.
2023-06-01 1602 Visualizzazioni
One life, one chance: b vegan, KEEP peace, do good deed. Will feel great!
One life, one chance: b vegan, KEEP peace, do good deed. Will feel great!
2023-06-01 1998 Visualizzazioni
Wow, a classy lady! Vegan, u said? Hey, should’ve guessed.
Wow, a classy lady! Vegan, u said? Hey, should’ve guessed.
2023-06-01 1588 Visualizzazioni