
If We Are Virtuous, We Attract Blessings (Part 3 of 3) July 23, 2013, France

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(And the artists, during the rehearsal, Master, they loved it so much and they enjoyed so much that they told us like, “You know, this is not like working for us. It’s like fun every day. I wish my work is like this all the time.”) Because we treat them well. (Yes.) And they feel the love and the good energy. That’s where and what people should work with. But unfortunately in this world, not every place is like that. Mostly just business-like. (And the artists, they really performed out of love, Master, because the fees we offered is very symbolic. Everyone who was there was so surprised that vegan food was so yummy.) If you cook nice, of course. Yeah? (But I think most important is your love. It’s like they all melted.) Oh, really? They must have been very sensitive also. Artists, they are very sensitive. So they feel it. They have to be sensitive in order to express whatever they want to express in their performance. Have to be real. So their souls are very sensitive. That’s why they can feel the love. Not everybody can. But they are good. They’re good people. (I think the whole show went through so smoothly. So many angels that escorted every single one there. It’s just amazing, Master.) To protect also, to help them. Otherwise, the negative power would attack them so much that they probably couldn’t do it. Or they give up or they don’t want to, or they change at the end, or… It’s very difficult to do the work of God. Sometimes if you think of other people, the negative people, then the connection is there. But of course, in life, you cannot always avoid to think of somebody. Because you don’t even know they are negative. And you think of that person, and if that person is negative, I mean not very good or low level, then the negative power can use that person in your thought to trouble you. That’s how it works. It’s very terrible to be able to survive in this world, on the physical level. It’s not that easy. Even practitioners sometimes get swayed and swing because of the negative power, because of the people you think of, or the people you contact, or the people you sit next to, or the people in your family even. Through them, the maya (negative force) can make trouble. The negative power can make trouble, even if you think of. But it depends. If you do some important work, then they are more after you. So if you are just an ordinary person and you think of somebody, then you just share some bad karma (retribution), but not as bad. It’s already very protected there, you see. (Yes.) Or else it couldn’t have happened so good in such a short time. (Thank you, Master.) But they were so happy, huh? Because they didn’t come for money. They could have it anywhere else. Because just they love us. They think we are good. They think we are doing good for the world so they want to participate in this goodness. Because their heart is so good. That’s why. That’s why. That’s why we had to write everybody a letter and thank them. Remember? (Yes.) If you ever see any of them again, tell them I give them my best regards, my love, and I appreciate what they did for the world.
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Between Master and Disciples
Between Master and Disciples
Between Master and Disciples