
Be Loving and Kind (Part 3 of 8) Apr. 27-28, 2012, Austria

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“No. I never told you to go anywhere to find any lines. No. No. I just tell you where the lines sometimes more concentrate or less concentrate so that you can benefit from it. Like here now we even have Heaven Gates. A lot. So it's very good for you to come here and meditate. Heaven Gates, Blessing Lines and Blessing Portals, and Heaven Ways. It's very… (And sun.) Of course, of course, yes. The sun is everywhere, but here in your center you have Heaven Gates even now. Blessing Lines, Blessing Portals. I lost count because too many centers, but a lot here. A lot here. (But this is new Heaven Portal here?) Mm hm. We can move them around. Sometimes it's allowed. The stronger you are, the more things you can do.” 

“We have to be kind. Not just talk just to feel good about it, just to feel that, ‘Okay, I dare say something that other people don't dare.’ It's not like that. You have to be kind. Whatever you say, it's from your heart, no?”

“Love has to have also wisdom, and respect. I wouldn't put your picture in my toilet, for example. I wouldn't do that, even if it's just your picture. Because you're still alive here and… as if you're sitting there and looking at me, and you have to sit in the toilet forever, 24 hours seven. Isn't that nice? Do you understand me? (Yes.)

My picture is for you to remind you of what I told you, about how great you are and how you can get greater and greater and you can go to Heaven and you can liberate yourself and help the world. That is what my picture is for. And if you're scared and you put my picture around and then you feel safer, then it's fine. But it's not to be abused for many, too much physical desire. Even you don't put my picture there, you pray, if I can help your mother, I would. There's no need to push me under her sick bed. Suppose you really believe my picture does work, because you believe my picture is also me. Then how do you trap me under the bed like that? Not to talk about having respect for your teacher, any teacher at all, not to talk about Master or anything.

We have to have common sense and respect, yes? As if you would treat me. You wouldn't put me under your bed, would you? Would you? (No.) (No.) Or any bed? No. Same. Same with the photo. If you believe my photo can heal your mother even, then you cannot trap me under there. Let her free, so she can help you, let the Master free. Okay? How can anybody trapped under the bed help you to do anything? She's stuck, couldn't even breathe! Sometimes I could not breathe because of these things. Because of the intention of the person, not just the photo. “Master, You stay down there, bless my mother because she doesn't want You.” Why is that? I never even force you to believe me. Why should you force your mother to believe me? Anything forced is no good. It's against the law of Heaven. So, don't even do this kind of silly things.

If you believe my photo can heal, then the person looks at it. It's better, okay? Better than trap under the bed. Not to talk about respect yet. That's against the common sense. So, anybody who believes in my picture, then you let them have it, look at it maybe. Don't force the Master into a sick bed, into a hospital under the rotten chair or bed. This is really, really very unimaginable. Maybe even unacceptable, in any sense.”

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Between Master and Disciples
Between Master and Disciples
Between Master and Disciples
Between Master and Disciples
Between Master and Disciples
Between Master and Disciples
Between Master and Disciples
Between Master and Disciples