
Veg – The Diet of Lawyers – Part 2

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We share so much in common with animals, like the most basic thing – our sentience. So, there’s no reason that we can’t extend basic fairness to them too. […]

We have to think in terms of, these are our family members, these are our beloved animals who deserve rights. They are sentient beings and deserve all the same rights that we have, and we have to respect them as such.

The Universe is not for man alone but is a theater of evolution for all living beings. Live and let live is its guiding principle.

If animals could express their thoughts in human words they would be saying, “Why are you doing this to me? Why are you paying people to kill me?”

It’s not that far of a leap to start asking yourself, why is it that you get so indignant if you see somebody abusing a dog or why do you feel so sad if you see a dog suffering, but you don’t feel that way about a pig or about a cow or about a lamb or about a chicken or even fish, which is what led me into veganism and animal rights and doing the reporting that I’ve been doing on like the evils of factory farms as well.

It’s really just that the animals are suffering. They’re suffering horribly. I see it every day in research labs, in factory farms, whether people see it or not, it is happening. […]

The learnings from my postgraduate studies in International Environmental Law, and separately in Sustainability, as well as diplomas accredited by medical professionals made me acutely aware of the negative impact of eating flesh and consuming the milk from another species on human health, the planet and our consciousness.

I think when we look at the damage eating meat is doing to the planet, it is not preposterous to think that one day it will become illegal. […] It is time for a new law on ecocide to go alongside genocide and the other crimes against humanity.

It costs us so little to go vegan. It costs animals so much if we don’t. […] Vegan product placement is such an important aspect of veganism and it should be such an important aspect of animal law advocacy. So, the first is cognitive dissonance - the idea that humans strive to reduce disparity between their beliefs, their values, and their behaviors. So if I am a kind person who likes animals, I will not cause them to suffer. I will not support businesses that cause them to suffer.

In Islam, killing is an act of iniquity. It’s not something that’s appreciated, and God doesn’t like it. Halal is not just the idea of the slaughter itself. It’s the idea that the animal must not suffer any pain.

We should stop killing animals and abusing and torturing them just for food.

What I try to do in my work is I try to place myself in the bodies of the animals I’m trying to help. […] I think everybody can participate in this movement, and part of that definitely is going vegan, doing something in the direction of less harm to animals. I also think everybody can get involved with laws, with supporting laws, with programs that are supporting animals.

I’m humbled and amazed, actually, by how rich and meaningful my life is as a vegan. You gain so much more than you give up when you stop participating in animal agriculture. Your behavior aligns with your values, which feels great. Each time you eat, you can actively contribute to making the world a better, kinder, more just place.

The one thing that makes veganism the most worthwhile is I have a feeling of having declared peace on the rest of sentient life. So, when I became vegan, for the first time in my life, I know how it feels to offer the planet’s other living beings genuine respect. That’s such a treasure.

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