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In December 2023, eight speakers joined the ranks of the “Fame Hall,” as they delivered the motion that “This House Would Go Vegan.” One of the proposition speakers was Dr. Chidi Ngwaba (vegan), a British physician specializing in the treatment of type-2 diabetes, hypertension, autoimmune disease, and obesity. Dr. Ngwaba centered his argument around “The China Study,” an expansive study conducted in China and several other countries worldwide, spearheaded by Dr. T Colin Campbell. “When they put all the evidence together, they said that the more meat and dairy products you have in your diet, the greater your risk of cancer. […] In Loma Linda, California, they have a rate of people reaching a 100-years old, 10 times greater than any other area around them. […] They have been fully plant-based. […] A healthy plant-based diet is not just good for the planet. It's not just good ethically. It's actually good for us.”We will now hear part of the quote of Joey Carbstrong, a prominent animal-people rights activist and Youtuber, presenting his side of the debate. “In fact, since my talk started, we’ve already slaughtered over 2.5 million animals, and after just these few words, another 32,000. […] I bet you probably couldn’t remember what you ate for lunch last week. That’s how little it meant to you, but for the animals, it was all they had. […] The animals are always left out of any peace deals; for them, the war never ends. We have waged an eternal war on the most innocent, defenseless beings that have no way of escape or retribution. […]”It was truly a momentous debate at the Oxford Union Society, where members, the audience, and the speakers, analyzed and deliberated on the pros and cons of adopting a vegan lifestyle. The proposition of “This House Would Go Vegan” was supported with facts, statistics, and case studies, demonstrating how veganism does bring a solution to climate and health issues!