
Cause Less Pain and Karma: Plants to Eat, Part 1 of 5, Apr. 20, 2024

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Most of the plants and trees, they do feel pain when we cut them for any reason, like for consumption. I only list here for you those plants, those vegetables, even those herbs, which do not feel such pain. […] It’s not a complete list. A rough rule is: if the vegetable or plant you take food from contains mostly water, or their body is just made of fiber, such as the like of the banana plant, then it is most likely that they are painless, though there are, of course, exceptions. […]

God-blessed greetings, beautiful souls, wonderful people, beloved of God. May all of you be happy, full of vigor, full of wonderful events in your life. Last time, we were talking about karma. But up to now, we only talked about the karma from humans and other beings, such as animal-people. But we have not gone deep into the karma of special beings like plants and trees. Trees, we’ve mentioned sometimes before, but plants, I think quite rarely. So today, I would like to talk about that. Because I was editing some of the earlier public conferences, and one of the questions from the audience was: “Should people go to the extent of creating no karmic consequences, like being breatharians, for example?” And I don’t think most of the humans on the planet are ready for that. So, we will just concentrate more on the vegan diet.

You see, with the vegan diet, we also have to be involved with many kinds of beings in the vegetable and fruit kingdoms, such as apples, oranges, the usual fruits that people eat every day. So, I just want to tell you that we could be vegan with very little karma and little harm to the plant beings. It is surprising to know that some of the plants, some of the vegetables that we eat, do not feel pain, or feel less pain than other plants, other vegetables.

If you really want to have less karma and cause less pain, less suffering and less sorrow for the plants, you can choose. You can select some special plants or special fruits to eat. I have done a little research into the kinds of vegetables and fruits that have no pain at all or very little pain.

The ones that I’ll read here should have very little pain and suffering when you kind of cut them or pluck them to eat. Even fruits, when you pluck them from the trees, such as oranges, apples, mangoes, or papayas, the plants or the trees that bear these fruits do feel pain. I mean like physical pain, even though they can’t scream out loud to you. It’s like nipping, like somebody nips your skin hard, that kind of pain. And also, they feel panicky and fearful. And, as you can see, sometimes you cut the plant and some liquid comes out, fluid comes out from the plant – that is their so-called blood; just like we bleed when we’re injured or cut.

Most of the plants and trees, they do feel pain when we cut them for any reason, like for consumption. I only list here for you those plants, those vegetables, even those herbs, which do not feel such pain. Now, I’m reading some of them, not very orderly because I just wrote down what I knew and fast. It’s not a complete list. A rough rule is: if the vegetable or plant you take food from contains mostly water, or their body is just made of fiber, such as the like of the banana plant, then it is most likely that they are painless, though there are, of course, exceptions. I didn’t categorize them into alphabetical order. So, I read what I wrote down for you, in case you want to choose the lesser pain and lesser suffering for the plants or the trees. All the trees feel pain when you cut them for any reason. And most of the vegetable plants do feel pain, so these are the ones that have very, very little or no pain at all.

I’m reading those which have no pain at all. Watercress, cabbage, water spinach, cauliflower, coriander – when they’re young and sprouted very shortly, as if they’re just still a sprout. Not when they have already grown into plants and almost having a hard body. When they don’t have yet a hard body, just like young sprouts, then it’s OK, then they don’t feel pain yet. Soy sprouts, pumpkin sprouts, OK. Rice, wheat, corn, sugar from sugar cane. Bread, you can eat, yes, from wheat. You have a lot of choice, like even vegan pizza. Vegan butter – if it doesn’t contain olive oil. Asparagus, rocket (arugula), and tofu, you can eat. Tempeh, seaweed. Of course, you can eat vegan brown sugar or caster sugar, raw and not processed at all sugar. But, of course, you should eat less sugar. Sugar is not that good for you. The less, the better. Broccoli, onions, garlic. All kinds of melons, you can eat. Cucumber, can do.

Sesame seeds, all seeds, peanuts. Almost all nuts, you can eat, because when they dry, they fall down to the ground and then you can pick them up and eat them. In principle, anything that has fallen from the tree already, you can eat. When I was in Germany, along the roads there were many apple trees. They don’t belong to anyone: they just grow on the roadside. And I saw that many apples fell to the ground. I sometimes picked them up. They were green, not completely ripe or anything, and I picked them up and came home and made apple pie. This you can do, mostly like that. All nuts you can eat. Most of the nuts, if they’re dry and fell from the tree, you can eat.

All kinds of beans, fresh or dry beans, lentils. Mushrooms – all kinds of eatable, not poisonous mushrooms, you can eat. Avocado, surprisingly, you can pluck and eat. Iceberg lettuce, romaine lettuce, mustard greens, mustard leaves, kohlrabi, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, celery. All kinds of yams you can eat. All potatoes – like sweet potato and normal potato – you can eat, of course. OK. That’s it. The list I made is very short. It’s mostly for myself.

Even the flower from the pumpkin you should not eat, because when you pluck the flower from the pumpkin plant body, the body of the plant feels pain and sorrow also. Even carrots, when you pluck them up to eat, they feel pain. And those roots, like white radish and other types of radish, do feel pain.

But there are some roots, like yams, you can eat. Sweet potato, alright. Potato, also OK. There are just some plants, some little herbs, that do not have pain karma, that’s why. Isn’t that funny? Some plants have pain, some plants don’t. But that’s the way it is.

Not just humans feel pain, but plants also feel pain. I’m not saying that you have to eat all that I have told you. But you can, in case you want to minimize karma. But nevertheless, make sure that you have enough vitamins and nutrition by taking vegan vitamins and/or supplements.

All kinds of sprouts, you can eat, like soy sprouts or sunflower seed sprouts. And, by the way, sunflower oil, you can use. Olive oil doesn’t belong to the “no pain” category. When people beat the whole olive trees, and beat all their branches, they do feel pain. But, funny, coffee, when they pluck the fruit from a coffee tree, the tree doesn’t feel pain. But the tea plants feel pain when you pluck the tea leaves to use.

And other kinds of herbs, most of the herbs feel pain when you pluck them to eat because their body already has hardened into a kind of real plant, not just a sprout. The reason why, for example, maybe water spinach doesn’t feel pain when you pluck it, is because it’s mostly empty, empty inside, and the sugarcane also has mostly water inside. And the banana fruits, you can eat. The banana tree doesn’t feel pain when you cut the banana bunch for consumption.

Most of the fruits, they do feel pain when you pluck them. The trees of the fruits feel pain when you pluck them to eat. So mostly, there’s not much that we can eat. Berries you can eat. The berries don’t feel pain. The berry tree is OK. Berry fruits, OK. But blueberry is not. Some other kinds of berries easily fall from the tree when you touch them then you can eat them. That’s all for now.

The best, I told you, is to eat air. But we are not used to it. That’s difficult, to get used to eating air like the breatharian people. But it’s not impossible. Just don’t try it when you cannot because you will harm yourself. Your body might wither and die. So meanwhile, just eat the vegetables that I have read for you. And you can eat them with rice or bread. And you can eat the vegan noodles that are made from wheat. Anything (vegan) made from wheat is OK. Anything (vegan) made from rice is OK, for example like that.

And many other spices like, for example, the star anise and cloves, they’re also dry, and when you harvest them, the trees don’t feel so much pain, almost none. But many spices, we cannot. Like peppers, even. Black pepper, white pepper, and chili peppers, stuff like that. When we pluck them, we do cause pain for the plant. And of course, a little bit of karma that goes with it. It’s not because of karma that we don’t eat other plants or vegetables, but because we don’t want to hurt them. That’s all.

Photo Caption: We Are 2gether Dear, Though Look Different.

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