
Master’s Sacrifices for Love, Part 6 of 10, Aug. 29, 2013, Menton, France

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For example, if the residents are here, or some non-residents but working for me, then I pay for them, for the food. So, you have to subtract the money from my money. It doesn’t matter. You keep some of them (money) to subsidize, to pay for the residents or whoever works for me. […] And if some people don’t have the money, then you pay for them too, from my money, not from the public money. […] This is your house. You can come and go any time you want. You have money or not have money, you can always come, (Thank You. Yes, yes. Thank You, Master.) and stay as long as your duty allows. […]

Even my own disciple beat me up in this lifetime! Just some few years ago, inside my own house. Just because I trusted him, I thought he was a good boy. Then I had to call people to break the window and save me. For what? I have done nothing. I said, “What have I done?” He just somehow got crazy. […] And the person who wanted to kill me also said sorry afterward. He came all the way to Hong Kong to apologize, but I didn’t talk to him. I said, “OK, good.” He wanted to see me. I said, “I don’t want to.” For example. […] You don’t know, people do things to me. I’m really scared. I mean my heart’s scared because of the experience. But I still continue doing my job.

And even if one driver, two drivers are bad like that, but I still look for a driver or get a new driver, or let the people have a chance to drive me. Not because of one or two bad drivers that I stop altogether. No. Anyway, he apologized after. So I asked him, “You feel good now? Feel better?” He said, “Yes.” Then, I said, “OK. I also feel good.” Then, since then, I don’t talk anymore about him. I said, “I also feel good now. So, bye-bye. That’s it.” So, I don’t talk anymore, because I’m worried he would feel so bad. He might feel so guilty. I would, if I treated my Master like that. I was in the situation trying to protect myself and go out to the group meditation that’s special for contact persons at that time. And the bad people were lurking around the house. And my own driver in my own house threatened me, because I was alone there with him. Isn’t that scary? (Yes.) That is a real scare, really dangerous.

And if people want to kill you, that is a real scare, really dangerous. For me, at least, I’m a small woman, I have no means to defend myself. Suppose there was no hufa (guard) around, I would have died 10, 20 years ago then. Many other instances, but I forget it right now. I forget it right now. Anyway, I’m living on the same land, the same property with an ex-murderer, I mean a former life’s murderer, former life’s robber, former life’s violent people to me. And that is a real scare, that is 24/7 scared.

So, you are not scared. You should be brave, braver than me. I am the one who should be scared. You have nothing (to be afraid of). Even if I yell at you, I cannot do anything to you. You know I’m harmless. But the people who I’m with or the people who did these things to me, they could be harmful to me, and they have done it. Really, really already beat me up, before the hufa (guard) came in through the broken window. But if it continued, I would have been dead. I was just injured, but not dead. But if the hufa, if the guard did not break the window and come in, I would have been dead. Many other things, but I don’t try to remember. Just by the way, I remember, but other things I don’t always remember. And these things are not one-time things. Sometimes they repeat themselves in different ways.

The people who have seen me only one time, they can come down. Not too many, right? A lot? (Not too many.) Tell them to come down. Come. Sit here, in front. Come, come. Sit as near as you can. Or wherever you can. Sit behind there, also fine. Yeah, sit in front. Show your pretty face. Wow! A lot. No Aulacese (Vietnamese)? Only one, two, three? Wow. Can maybe open the window? Some people, the last people can sit on the staircase. The last ones, the rest go to the back door or something. Oh, wow! Never mind, do it later then. Go and sit behind there, or sit in front here. Men, women – doesn’t matter, just sit together. How many more up there? A lot more, right? Let’s try to see if we can squeeze. Squeeze to the front, all of you. Squeeze to the front. Squeeze as much as you can so that people can sit. Let’s make a miracle, expanding the relativity of the space. Finished? (Yes, that’s it.) All done? (Yes.) Wow, you see, we can make miracles. Why don’t you guys go more to the front so the people can… Can you go more to the front a little bit? (Yes.) Bring your “heavenly ears” with you.

They can sit on the staircase, some of them. You know, the last ones or the workers, or whatever. It’s good, it’s good. It’s good now? Can you put this up here? Put that up there. Put this in here. By the way, yeah? What is that? Gift? (Gift.) I don’t take gifts. Anybody can share it, I don’t want it. I just take medicine, but I pay for it. I really don’t want any gift, truly like that. I don’t want anything. Are you OK then? Are you OK? Yeah, it’s good, don’t worry. All is good? You see, you can all see me. If we just listen and don’t have to meditate, then we don’t need space. Hey, hey! Don’t ruin my house. I mean your house. We need it. Let them go down and stand behind there, behind here. Stand behind these two doors, and I can see you. Some more? (I think they were fireworks.) Fireworks. Oh, thought we heard something up there.

How about the workers? Are they here? (The workers?) Working team. (Yes!) I don’t have time to see you personally, so come down here. You can stand up at the door; I can see you very well. Wherever, just go stand on both sides. And the other side also, I can see you, and you can see me if you stand. And some, of course, can sit on the staircase. Yeah, like that, some more, wow, a lot of space here. Yeah, like that is cool. You can stand up behind if you don’t see me. I want to talk to you.

The shop, who is keeping the shop? I lowered the price of the daily necessities. (Yes.) You don’t sell it like 50% more than the selling cost, like you do now. That is not correct. Here we sell these things for the disciples’ convenience, not to make money. Capisce (Understand)? (Yes.) All the money that comes from the jewelry designs is because we had to pay people outside for making the jewelry and making the clothes of my designs. So, we have to charge them like that. To pay also for the workers to make the clothes and to make the jewelry. Even my own people, when they work in the company, I pay them, too. So, for that reason, the price is like that. But here, this is a small shop for the convenience, like toothpaste, or slippers in case they forget, or little (vegan) cookies if they feel like snacks. These are not to make money, that’s not for business here. Do you capisce (understand), all of you, any of you? (Yes.) So, the price from today will be lower. Not like outside, but reasonable.

And the kitchen team and the office, I say to all of you because in case next time you work in the office, you have to know. For example, if the residents are here, or some non-residents but working for me, then I pay for them, for the food. So, you have to subtract the money from my money. It doesn’t matter. You keep some of them (money) to subsidize, to pay for the residents or whoever works for me. And for you too, if you stay in the office and work for a long time, you don’t have to pay for the food. Understand all of that? (Yes.) I have told the last office people already. But it wasn’t written, or it wasn’t officially announced, so I forgot that I should tell it to everybody so that you also know, you also know your right. And if some people don’t have the money, then you pay for them too, from my money, not from the public money. So now, it is very official. Nobody can tell you any more different things. Like last time, they gave you the note of 35 euros. There is no such thing like that.

This is your house. You can come and go any time you want. You have money or not have money, you can always come, (Thank You. Yes, yes. Thank You, Master.) and stay as long as your duty allows. If you have family, you have children, you have a husband, you have a wife, then of course you have to go home. If the situation does not allow, then you don’t stay long. Or if your job is calling you, then you don’t stay long. If you’re free, you can stay long. During retreat, after re... I’m sorry, at home I don’t cough so much. Excuse me. Otherwise, I wouldn’t come because I don’t feel like I should let you know all this sickness. But it’s not contagious, OK? During retreat, after retreat. Nothing else to do. Even if any writes you anything, just discard it. Say, Master doesn’t say so and this is official in this video. So you can tell them like that. Otherwise, behind my back, they do things that I don’t understand, that I don’t know, that they don’t tell me sometimes.

What’s the name of the guy? Su, stand up. For example, this guy, he has been with me for 30 years (Wow!) – very loyal, faithful, helpful, and he’s always really a kind of a spokesperson for our... I mean, voluntarily. He has been very eloquent, and the way he talks, people would believe. But he wasn’t allowed to come see me. (Oh, my God.) So, I have to call personally, and tell them that this person, this name can come. They refused him five, six times. (Oh!) Do you understand now? (Yes.) Do you understand that I’m scared? (Yes.) I’m scared of my own people. They’re supposed to help me, but they don’t. Because some of them, their levels are not too high. Even if they’re monks and nuns, not necessarily high level. I’m so sorry to tell you. Even outside monks and nuns, many are very low. Especially if you don’t eat vegan.

For example, him and the other person I forgot to introduce to you, but they also forbid them all to come. So, I really am scared. People work for me but they don’t always listen to what I say. They make more trouble for me. But I am happy because they don’t kill me yet. See, they don’t beat me up yet. They just beat me up inside, mentally or psychologically, emotionally, but not physically. So, at least I’m still alive to take care of you, and your next generation. So, for example, him, he has never done anything wrong, to me or to anybody. OK, you can sit down now. I had to personally intervene after I knew it. I didn’t even know until one of the persons told me. So, I have difficulty also, because the negative force really tries very hard to bring me down, so-called, if you will.

So, I trust you. I hope that after I tell you many things today, that you understand my difficulty, real difficulty. Not the difficulty of the guy from Canada, the one that he just expressed – that he had to change supervisor. Oh, what a pity. Not that kind, but I do have difficulty. Understand that? (Yes.) I trust that you understand from today, so that you can be my friends, at least support mentally. And that you don’t make my job more difficult than it is.

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