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The World's Elevating Consciousness and Rising Vegan Trend, Part 6 of 12, Mar. 21, 2012

Mga Detalye
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I can laugh at any situation, even if it’s dangerous or difficult or troublesome. Not all the time though, I have to tell you the truth. I cry sometimes. I get angry also, I mean with the situation. I get frustrated and… Even though I know it’s just all the world karma that’s on me. I know all that, but it doesn’t help me to feel happy. Imagine you carry your karma and sometimes your karma punishes you. Are you happy even though you know it’s karma, it’s your own doing in the past life? Are you happy then? (No.) No.

I think I’m going to write some Hollywood scripts for action movies. This is just a part of it that you heard. Did you like it? (Yes.) Wow, maybe we can sell it to Hollywood. It’s about time I make some money. Because sometimes people just make a story about some criminal in the… When some criminals are jailed or something, they just sell their story even. Even about murdering and drugs and all that, they sell the story, and they make money. Or some people have an affair with some big shot somewhere in the White House or something, and still can sell the story and make money. And my story’s even more interesting, full of action, no? (Yes.) Up to now, did you hear any action or it’s too boring for you? (No.) Too slow? It’s packed, right? I’m telling you I could make money in many ways, if I only had time to write, and if I could sit somewhere and write. But it’s getting better. It should be. Right?

I feel like we have less disasters now. Don’t you think? (Yes.) Before, it was just like nonstop. And just these two weeks or three weeks, only two. You know, the burning fire in China, and Mexico. Mexico, just now Mexico City. You know that? Anybody? Any Mexicans? Know nothing.

What do you do all day? You don’t even watch the news? (We used to watch [Supreme Master] TV, but now...) I know, I know, I know. The day it stopped, I felt so sad, so sad. I felt like panicking suddenly, because I was thinking I’d watch it, and then I fell asleep or something, and then when I woke up, it was no more there – all black. And I was just panicking, trying to turn it on, and this and that. I thought something was wrong with the TV, but it was not. Felt so sad. And then so I had to call them and talk to them, comfort them a little bit. Because if I was sad, they would be more sad, or at least the same, just different, but sad. So, we had a talk, one or two-something hours.

Very sorry. We cannot do that forever. We had five years to warn everybody, and it’s up to them. You cannot eat for them. You cannot eat for others; you have to let them also decide. And besides, I want you to have a little more time to meditate. Because Supreme Master Television is a big channel, and it’s a lot of work. A lot of research to do, a lot of writing, a lot of scripts, and I have to proofread them all. Takes all my time also. It takes all your time to write, to edit, to research, to contribute, but it takes also all my time to read. I read for the whole team, from A to Z, that’s a lot. You do only one section of it. Maybe “Between Master and Disciples,” one section, and you read only that. You’re only responsible for that. But I have to read everything.

Sometimes I don’t have enough time to read, or I have to run. So, that week or maybe that day, I miss out. And then if some mistake happens, then it happens. But if I can, I read all the time. I check all the time. I have to edit. I want top things to go out – writing style, everything. I’m very difficult to please. Very difficult woman. I’m bad, very difficult. I’m always remonstrating them, “Is that how you write it? This is a bad thing, and this is not worthy to write, this is… it’s rubbish.” I’m a very difficult editor, very, very difficult. But 100% is not always what I edit. So sometimes you can see something bad, because I missed it that day or that week, because I had to run or I couldn’t contact. I couldn’t contact. I couldn’t use the internet. I couldn’t.

Even “The King & Co.,” remember? Yes? (Yes.) Even I edited everything, they still managed to put something inside without telling me, without showing it to me. When they showed me, it wasn’t there, for example. They added it afterward, or maybe that place they did not show me. For example, I remember something like, the queen, she was angry. The king was imagining that she was angry if she knew things, so she was throwing things at him. And she was saying, “Eat this.” I said, “That is very gross. Very inelegant. Even if it’s for a comedy, it’s not funny. It’s not elegantly funny. It’s not my style.” But it was too late, I hope they changed it already. Sometimes it’s too late to change, sometimes I’m just too tired to tell them. And sometimes I don’t have time to proofread or to edit. That is the thing I did not know.

Another thing I remember: the prince after he had a daughter, the last part. He was carrying her in his arms, and he was hanging (swinging) her above the water, outside of the bridge safety area. You remember? And he was hanging (swinging) her like this. It wasn’t mine. But later, they changed it into he did it inside the bridge, a little bit less than just like this. That’s terrible. That’s very dangerous! People learn that, and they do that to their children, and it’s no good. I don’t know how the heck they had this kind of idea! You don’t do that to your kid! Because you might slip, or he might struggle and then fall into the river. Even a small river, but it’s a long fall, you see? Terrible, for example, things like that. But what can I do? I mean, you can’t have everything, not all the time.

That’s why when they told me, “Please make number two, number three.” I said, “No more.” I don’t want to blacken my reputation with these lousy workers. Of course, they’re doing good, but sometimes the level of humor is different. And I cut many things already. The level of humor is different. You have to be humorous, but elegant. (Yes.) Not gross, not low class. No need for that, no need. That’s not comedy, that’s sometimes dirty jokes, sometimes low-class jokes. That’s no good. So, it’s very difficult. To work, you have to really be committed, and it’s very, very hard work for me. You don’t imagine it, but it was very hard work. OK, never mind.

But when it stopped, I was very sad, too. It was almost like I lost something, very sad. But then I tried to make a joke with them. I said, “I told myself, well, at least now there’s no Supreme Master Television cooking show anymore. And I don’t have to sit there, mouthwatering, and then go eat my cold rice from the fridge yesterday, or run around with the cold tofu because no time to cook, no room to cook and no opportunity. All this mouthwatering cooked food, and the advertising for Loving Hut, and everybody’s sitting and eating all that, and I look at my little vegan sausage, so cold and nothing on it, or just white tofu with salt or Maggi (sauce).” (Yes.) And I said, “It’s not fair. So from now on, at least I don’t have to watch that show anymore.” Just making jokes to make them feel a little bit happier. But they were not that happy. Still, we could laugh a little bit.

I can laugh at any situation, even if it’s dangerous or difficult or troublesome. Not all the time though, I have to tell you the truth. I cry sometimes. I get angry also, I mean with the situation. I get frustrated and… Even though I know it’s just all the world karma that’s on me. I know all that, but it doesn’t help me to feel happy. Imagine you carry your karma and sometimes your karma punishes you. Are you happy even though you know it’s karma, it’s your own doing in the past life? Are you happy then? (No.) No. Imagine, I haven’t done anything and I get the karma punishment for it. How would I feel happy? Of course not, I have to be honest with you. I’m not carrying it smiling. I’m not walking with flying colors with all that, of course not. Sometimes I’m cranky, also. Even though I know it’s the karma, and I have to endure it, but it’s not always easy.

Now, OK, I keep asking you and then I talk a lot. Yeah, you tell me something. (I told You that You’re still beautiful in spite of everything You’re going through, Master.) People cannot hear you for translation. Please repeat it, especially the “beautiful” part. (No, really, Master.) What did you say? (You’re still very beautiful. And I’ve looked at You thoroughly – Your hands are beautiful, Your neck’s beautiful,) My hands? (Your skin, Your face,) Oh yeah? (Your feet, Your cute little feet.) Wow. (You’re still very beautiful, Master.) Did you hear all that? Did you translate well? Otherwise, she has to repeat it. (And I love You very much, and thank You.) Thank you, love. (Thank You for everything You do for us. Thank You for the world, thank You for saving us time.) I wish I had been more pleasant, (You are, very pleasant.) to you guys, and some of my assistants, because sometimes the karma is too much, I cry out. (But really, Master, thank You.) Thank you. (Without You, it would really not be possible, anything at all. So, thank You.) I’m so glad that the world is staying a little longer. Not two years, three years, but longer. We have to make it longer, not just a few more years. Keep going with whatever you’re doing, and I have to meditate more.

Sometimes… Oh my God, talking about that… You know, love, it’s very difficult for me to even try to meditate for long hours. It’s always the maya that gets my assistants or makes my dog-people sick, or makes the neighbor trouble me or whatever. And then once you’re troubled and stirred up and dragged down into this existence, you have to stay a little longer even, you can’t even climb up so quick. I’m invincible, but trouble is always brought around me, (By others.) so that I have to be preoccupied a lot. And then I can’t even sit and meditate, and well-wish the world, and negotiate with Heaven and karma, and all that stuff. Just like if you’re working in your job, and you’re doing well, normally, you know what you’re doing. But then if you have problems with your family or anything or anybody, or your friend or your neighbor, you cannot concentrate well and do your job well. It’s the same. The same. It’s very difficult for me, even just to sit and meditate! My God. Always something. Always something.

Before I had bird-people, I had to be tied up also. Now I have to sacrifice and let the bird-people stay far away. Because wherever I take the birds, that means telling everybody, “I’m here!” And then they come and also disturb the bird-people, and the police were sometimes so rough. They’re not used to birds, they don’t know, and just walk in and all the birds flying with feathers, or hitting their heads, something like that. Or they come and check out the bird-people, and one of my birds is very sensitive, the African grey – they’re very sensitive, very, very afraid. And because they (the police) wanted to measure their numbers, to know that we told the truth, that it’s legal, they just tried to catch her, and she was so scared, and she ran all over in the cage, and she hit herself, and she was injured. And many other bird-people also, smaller birds. They just walked everywhere, and they’re big and tall like that, and with sticks and all that. The bird-people were not used to it. And they flew all over, hitting themselves, and they would get bleeding on their wings and stuff. I could not bear it anymore, so I had to let them go, far away. That’s another thing. Not just because of the difficulty of transportation and running, but also I don’t want them to get hurt anymore.

Because after they (the police) did like that, they didn’t even go to my arms anymore. I called them, they just ran away in the corner and sulked. They were angry with me, too. Why let those people come in and disturb them? I’m helpless! They even pointed guns at my assistant’s head. (Really? My God! Wow!) Yeah, for doing nothing! I mean, you only do that when you’re chasing a criminal. When you know in a house there’s a criminal or something. You don’t do that in just any house! And later they told me, “Don’t be afraid, it’s just a routine check.” I said, “Routine check with a helicopter circling around my house, on top of my roof, and then pointing a gun, like that? And jumping into my bedroom?” They said, “But we rang, and You didn’t hear us.” How did they even open my electric gate, and surround my house? Forty, fifty policemen, (Wow!) for what? Some people are really bad, bad people, and they reported something bad about me, that’s why. (Yes.) And not just one day, it kept going, going, for a long time. And then again and again, always the helicopter. Even if I’m not afraid of anybody, it’s really unnerving and disturbing for my animal-people. They’re so scared.

(Well, I’m happy to tell You “You’re beautiful,” again.) OK, OK. I like that. No matter how long you say, it’s OK. It’s like a mantra. (Master’s totally beautiful.) Thank you, love, thank you. Thank you. I’m just saying that you are an inspiration. You just tell me “beautiful,” and that’s it, I talk for an hour. And smiling all the time for the cameraman. He must be very happy, lucky day today.

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Sa Pagitan ng Master at mga Disipulo
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