
The Path To Inner Peace: Love and Prayer with Saint Teresa of Ávila (vegetarian) in “The Way of Perfection” Part 1 of 2

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Saint Teresa of Ávila (vegetarian) is a highly regarded figure in the history of the Catholic Church. Teresa eventually became known for her mystical experiences and significant contributions to the Carmelite reform movement, establishing the Discalced Carmelites, who were all vegetarians, in accordance with the compassionate teachings of Lord Jesus Christ (vegetarian). Her approach to spirituality emphasized the importance of personal experience in faith, making her a pioneering figure in the realm of contemplative prayer. Saint Teresa was canonized in 1622, and in 1970, she became the first female Doctor of the Church, recognizing her profound impact on Christian thought and practice.

“The Way of Perfection” written by Saint Teresa in 1593, is a practical guide to prayer setting forth the Saint's counsels and directives for the attainment of spiritual perfection. Through the entire work there runs the author's desire to teach a deep and lasting love of prayer beginning with a treatment of the three essentials of the prayer-filled life, fraternal love, detachment from created things, and true humility.

Today, we’re pleased to share excerpts from chapters 6 and 16 of “The Way of Perfection,” translated by the Benedictines of Standbrook, where Saint Teresa of Ávila (vegetarian) discusses spiritual love, meditation, and contemplation.

“You asked me to teach you the foundation of prayer, my daughters, although God did not establish me on this foundation, for I am almost destitute of these virtues; yet I know no other. […]

And doubtless, the greater our humility, the more entirely shall we possess Him, and the weaker it is, the more reluctantly will He dwell within us. For I do not and I cannot understand how humility can exist without love, or love without humility, nor can either of these virtues be held in their perfection without great detachment from all created things.

[…] If you had asked me about meditation, I could have instructed you, and I advise everyone to practice it even though they do not possess the virtues, for this is the first step to obtain them all: it is most essential for all Christians to begin this practice. No one, however desperate his case may be, ought to neglect it if God incites him to make use of it.”
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