
The Cave – From the Holy Qur’an, Part 2 of 2

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Today, we continue the story of faithful youths sheltering in a cave under God’s care, and also learn about humility and gratitude towards God.

“Nor say of anything, ‘I shall be sure to do So and so tomorrow’— Without adding, ‘So please God!’ And call thy Lord to mind When thou forget, and say, ‘I hope that my Lord Will guide me ever closer (Even) than this To the right road.’ So they stayed in their Cave Three hundred years, and (some) Add nine (more). Say: ‘God knows best How long they stayed: With Him is (the knowledge Of) the secrets of the Heavens And the Earth: how clearly He sees, how finely He hears (Everything)! They have no protector Other than Him; nor does He share His Command With any person whatsoever. And recite (and teach) What has been revealed To thee of the Book Of thy Lord: none Can change His Words, And none will thou find As a refuge other than Him. And keep thy soul content With those who call On their Lord morning And evening, seeking His Face; and let not Thine eyes pass beyond them, Seeking the pomp and glitter Of this Life; nor obey Any whose heart We Have permitted to neglect The remembrance of Us, One who follows his own Desires, whose case has Gone beyond all bounds. Say, ‘The Truth is From your Lord’: Let him who will, Believe, and let him Who will, reject (it) […].

As to those who believe And work righteousness, Verily We shall not suffer To perish the reward Of any who do A (single) righteous deed. For them will be Gardens Of Eternity. […]”

“Set forth to them The similitude of the life Of this world: it is like The rain which We send Down from the skies: The earth’s vegetation absorbs it, But soon it becomes Dry stubble, which the winds Do scatter: it is (only) God Who prevails over all things. Wealth and sons are allurements Of the life of this world: But the things that endure, Good Deeds, are best In the sight of thy Lord, As rewards, and best As (the foundation for) hopes. […]”
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