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Let’s continue with excerpts from Godfré Ray King’s book, “Unveiled Mysteries,” that reveals secrets from the Akashic records, as well as the true purpose of wealth in this world and its true owner. “We passed through the last door on our right, and entered a room similar to that in the large hall— from which we had just come. ‘This room contains records of many countries and the rise and fall of many civilizations.’ said Saint Germain. Handing me one of the spindles, he released the fastening, and I found to my astonishment that I could read its contents. ‘I am enabling you to do this,’ he continued, ‘by temporarily raising your consciousness and calling forth the hidden memory, the former record of these experiences which you once lived through. The matter of knowing God and His Universe is but a contacting of the Life-record in every form.’ ‘All mankind's limitation is the result of the individual's own misuse of the God attribute of freewill. He compels himself to live within his own creations until, by the direct volition of the outer activity of his mind, he again consciously looks back to his Royal beginning, God the Great Source of All.’ ‘No one in this world ever accumulated a great amount of wealth without the assistance and radiation of some Ascended Master. There are occasions in which individuals can be used as a focus of great wealth, for a specific purpose, and at such times, greatly added power is radiated to them, for through it they can receive personal assistance. Such an experience is a test and opportunity for their growth.’ ‘You have been shown proof that it is we who really govern the wealth of the world and use it but as a test of the soul strength of the individual. It is always a trust, given to those who should be strong enough to use it only constructively; but few, very few, really pass that test under the temptation existing in the world at large today. If we choose, we can raise the humblest of God's children who have sufficient preparation, into wealth, power, and prominence, if by so doing, help can be given to many others— through such accomplishment.’”