
Selected Mystical Works of Lord Bahá’u’lláh (vegetarian) – Reunion with God, Part 1 of 2

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ਹੋਰ ਪੜੋ
Today, we are delighted to present excerpts from “From the Letter Bá’ to the Letter Há,” written by Lord Bahá’u’lláh, and collected and translated in the book “The Call of the Divine Beloved.”

From the Letter Bá’ to the Letter Há’

“IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD, THE MOST EXALTED, THE MOST HIGH! I addressed unto thee aforetime an Epistle in the lucid Arabian tongue, and I now reveal for thee this Tablet in wondrous Persian prose, that thou may hear, in the glorious accents of the Nightingale of ‘Iráq, the sweet melodies of the nearness of the heavenly Paradise that had, before this, been intoned in the language of Ḥijáz. Perchance thou may become pure spirit; attain, without taking a single step, the loftiest stations of mystic ascent; and explore, without leaving thine outward habitation, the furthermost reaches of the worlds of inner significance. Thereupon would thou, with a Divine rapture, experience true spiritual attraction, lay down thy life in the path of the Friend, and sacrifice thy soul in the wilderness of His love. This indeed is the meaning of stillness in flight and flight in stillness, of fluidity in solidity and solidity in fluidity.

To continue: It is clear that the wayfarers in the wilderness of search and longing, of attainment and reunion, have numerous degrees and countless stations. Some, after spiritual struggle and physical toil, ascend from the lower reaches of ‘no God is there’ to the lofty bowers of ‘but God,’ flee from the shadow of negation to abide in the limitless realm of affirmation, and abandon the privation of a transient existence for the bountiful assemblage of reunion. This is the uttermost limit of the realm of effort and striving.

Others, without receiving the least intimation of ‘no God is there,’ pass beyond the highest horizon of ‘but God;’ without even tasting a dewdrop of the degrees of self-surrender ascend unto the kingdom of life everlasting […]. These souls, as they traverse the stages of wayfaring and ascend unto the stations of reunion, walk a different path and occupy a different rank. […]”

“But since all do not possess the same degree of spiritual understanding, certain statements will inevitably be made, and there shall arise, as a consequence, as many differing opinions as there are human minds, and as many divergent beliefs as there are created things. This is certain and settled, and can in no wise be averted. Now, it is clear that some are virtuous, others are sinful, and still others are rebellious. One must call the people to love and faithfulness, to zeal and contentment, that the sinful may be admonished and the ranks of the virtuous may swell. […]”
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