
Selección del Libro de la Verdad del sangha de bikkhus de la asociación budista, parte 2 de 2

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Justice is also the Truth, or the harmonious Middle Way of the universe. Justice means no more, no less, very fair and impartial. It’s the same with the elements of earth, water, fire and wind. Although things keep changing, the elements themselves stay the same, nothing is ever lost. It’s like the past, future and present; they’re not different. All three times exist in every moment. Since the ancient times, activity and inactivity are not two things. Many people believe that there is no justice, so they freely commit evil deeds and thereby beget calamities. Justice is a power, an authority. Justice is like the shadow following a person. So the higher one climbs, the harder one falls, and the deceitful wouldn’t enjoy peace long.
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