
Prophecy Part 341: Awaken True Love with the Savior to Dissolve Calamity

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“Finally, on July 5, 1999, four days after the publication of “The Future I Saw,” Tatsuki had a terrible dream about a massive catastrophe. […] Years later, on July 5, 2021, she dreamed about the same situation again, and this time, she knew the time in the dream – July 2025.”

Following up on last week’s episode, we’ll continue to share with you predictions for the year 2025 by various contemporary seers and visionaries.

A Japanese manga comic author has been in the public eye for a major 2025 earthquake prediction. Ryo Tatsuki, author of the 1999 manga comic “The Future I Saw,” accurately predicted the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 more than a decade before it happened.

In her manga book, “The Future I Saw: Complete Edition,” released in 2021, Ryo Tatsuki describes a dream she had in 1999, where she saw a future megaquake possibly occurring along the Nankai Trough in the Pacific Ocean. Then in 2021, she again had the same dream, which revealed the date of the potential cataclysm.

Finally, on July 5, 1999, four days after the publication of ‘The Future I Saw,’ Tatsuki had a terrible dream about a massive catastrophe. In the dream she was in the sky looking at the Earth, and saw a huge explosion in the sea between Japan and the Philippines. The explosion caused a crack in the seabed, and then a large amount of magma erupted from the crack and sprayed into the sky which caused a huge tsunami. Years later, on July 5, 2021, she dreamed about the same situation again, and this time, she knew the time in the dream – July 2025.

British psychic medium Craig Hamilton-Parker, known as the “New Nostradamus” also warns of the possibility of earthquakes this year.

“One of the things I’ve been saying is I feel that 2025 is going to be a major earthquake situation. I saw the whole Pacific Basin having a major earthquake.”

In recent months, the rare oarfish-people, nicknamed “doomsday fish” have been spotted in certain parts of the world. These fish-individuals usually live 1,000 meters deep in the ocean but have been sighted before major earthquakes and tsunamis in the past. Their appearance is considered a sign from nature.

“November 15, 2024: It has happened again. For the second time this year an oarfish has washed ashore in San Diego County. And to give you an idea of just how rare this is, over the past 120 years less than two dozen of them have washed ashore in the entire state of California.”

“February 22, 2025: This is a really rare sight. On a Baja California Sur beach in Mexico, people found a live oarfish beaching itself. Oarfish, they are deepwater fish that can grow up to 36 feet (~11 meters) long, they’re rarely seen in shallow waters. This happened back on February 9th. A bystander tried to return it to deeper water and the person who took the video says ‘The man tried to put it back in the water three times but it came back each time.’”

“July 20, 2023: Divers in Taiwan have spotted a rare oarfish with mysterious holes in its body. The fish, which is also known as the ‘doomsday fish’ was spotted floating eerily upright near Ruifang District in Taipei. They are rarely seen, and are often associated with earthquakes.”

Moreover, Mr. Hamilton-Parker saw the outbreak of a new epidemic. Unfortunately, more cases of bird flu in humans have indeed been found since the end of 2024.

“I saw a flock of birds and I felt (saw) them fall from the sky. A whole big flock of birds, just fell from the sky. Now, I don’t know what is causing that, or is that symbolic perhaps? Is that symbolic of maybe another bird flu epidemic? Because there has been talk a little bit about that.”

“January 7, 2025: The question then comes up. Ok, given that this happened, what is the risk for everybody else? ”

“January 24, 2025: This morning, America’s bird flu crisis showing no signs of slowing. With new cases just this month emerging at nearly twenty five states.”

“January 1, 2025: Five years ago, COVID-19 was first reported in China’s Wuhan. And years later, the question still remains, if the world is ready for another pandemic.”


Reverend Brandon Biggs, known for receiving prophetic visions from the Lord and posting them on his YouTube channel “Last Days (@lastdays247),” has already predicted several events that have come true at the beginning of 2025.

“The Lord also showed me terrorist attacks starting to take place […] and very strong terrorist activities trying to take place and shake the world.”

“Oh, are these all on the same day? I pray over Las Vegas, Lord. Now I’ve just seen a glimpse of New Orleans, Bourbon Street.”

“And then I saw a major event taking place in Nashville (Tennessee).”

“January 22, 2025: Students at a Tennessee High School evacuate after a deadly shooting in the cafeteria. Police in Nashville say a 17-year-old entered Antioch High School with a gun and fired multiple shots.”

“I saw Justin Trudeau, and I saw him being removed from his position.”

“January 7, 2025: Justin Trudeau has announced he's stepping down as the prime minister of Canada and as the leader of his party. He's been in office for 9 years.

Justin Trudeau: I intend to resign, as Party Leader, as Prime Minister.”

Reverend Brandon Biggs predicts 2025 will be a year of great change, which will shake humanity into reconnecting to the Holy Teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ (vegetarian).

“He said 2025 will be a year of Great, Great Change. You’re going to see major earthquakes, you’re going to see major storms, you’re going to see major signs of the Heavens, volcanoes, things like that. It’s going to be great acceleration. Not just about politics and things like that, but you’re going to see, He even kept saying war, war, war, war.

When all these things start taking place, and you see the people that are asleep that start getting awake… We were catching and bringing those people in to Jesus.”

Reverend Brandon Biggs believes in 2025 a major pandemic will emerge that will be much worse than before.

“This virus that they’re preparing is so much worse than COVID ever thought about being. This is a very lethal virus that’s about to happen soon.

I’m trying to warn you all, this is just the beginning little pulses that was shown to me by the Lord, clear back this time last year (2023), warning me that this was coming.

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) confirms first case of severe bird flu in the US. Here it is. They’re releasing the Kraken.”

Reverend Brandon Biggs witnessed in his inner vision the credible energy radiating from the prayer by His Excellency Donald Trump in the White House.

“And then, I [saw] Trump in the Oval Office, and He was crying. And, He had His hands down on His head like this at His desk in the Oval Office.

All of a sudden, I saw pastors in the Oval Office with Him, walking around praying. Walking around praying. He had called for people to pray with Him. They were actually pacing and interceding, in the Oval Office, praying in tongues, praying in the Spirit.

Black was all over the world at this time. It was a black that was all over the world. All of a sudden, this Energy, which I want to call it Holy Ghost Energy. I don't know, it was like the Holy Spirit, the Annointing, I don't know... took it, and exploded that blackness off.”

He also foresaw that positive things will take place in Taiwan, or Formosa, and Israel.

“The Lord showed me a rising sun over Taiwan. And I saw a great gold… I saw the people praying in Taiwan. And I saw a rising of the sun coming up over it, and it started glowing with Glory. And, I saw a Great Manifestation and a Revival taking place in Taiwan. (It was gold with Glory.) It was gold with Glory.

A Great Glory is going to hit Israel. A Major Revival breaking out in Israel.”

Through Brandon Biggs’s prophetic visions, one thing is for certain: 2025 is a critical time for people to return to the refuge of the Lord.

“The Lord said to me, there is a dividing line… And He told me, ‘Brandon, you will see the dividing line, and it’s “Who will serve the Lord this day?”’ And it was the ones that ran to the Lord for refuge were saved. And the ones that stood back here were gobbled up by the earthquake.”

Interestingly, last year, regarding Taiwan (Formosa), Christian Minister Marc Dupont received a prophetic vision related to the role of the island in 2025.

“All of a sudden, the Lord gave me a vision. I saw the map of Taiwan. And, in the center of Taiwan, all of sudden, this fire began to spring up out of the Earth itself… It turned into about 5, 6, maybe 7 different rivers that went in all the different directions in Taiwan.

The Lord said this river is a river of a Revelation, a Revival of the authority of Christ, the majesty of Christ, the beauty and the power of Christ… an awakening that God was going to bring to the body of Christ in Taiwan.

I saw those people that had jumped in, coming out of the river, and there was this deep work of purification. As these men and women came out of it (the river of purification), many of them in fact began to go to different nations. But, they were so alive with Christ, they began to impart a hunger for Christ. They began to impart a hunger for God, for His Kingdom.

And there was something contagious about them that God ended up sending them to the nations. Like the Levites of David’s time that carry the Arc of God’s Glory into the city of David, they’re already carrying something. They are carrying a burden, a passion for the Holiness and Мajesty of Jesus to manifest.

And, I believe, over the next year or two, more and more of these women that are already carrying this are going to be given a voice, an opportunity to share, and it’s going to be something contagious.”

Taiwan (Formosa) is the place where our Most Cherished Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan), the return of Lord Jesus Christ (vegetarian), began Her Divine mission. Over the years, She has taught thousands of our Association members the Quan Yin Method of Meditation that connects one with one’s inner Heavenly Light and inner Heavenly Sound. Practicing this method daily, especially listening to the inner Sound Stream, is like taking a bath of purification in the river.

Taiwan (Formosa) is also the place where Master has attended many international gatherings, meditating with thousands of participants from all over the world. These gatherings generate incredibly powerful spiritual blessing, which the participants bring back to their home nations afterward and positively influence their surroundings.

What’s more, Master has been sending Quan Yin Messengers all over the world to be Her instruments for imparting the Quan Yin Method. All these footnote the auspicious visions of Marc Dupont regarding Taiwan (Formosa) and its people. In 2025, his auspicious vision seems to imply that more people will be influenced by Master’s Divine energy through contacting our Association members, or through Supreme Master Television. More people will long for God and come to learn the method of purification, to bathe in the Holy water. Coincidently, Master’s name Ching Hai means “Pure Ocean.”

Let us keep in mind Master’s precious words of advice and be vigilant at all times throughout the year and into the future.

This year, next year (2025), and 2026 are very crucial years, so you all have to be prepared. The planet may still be here, and some humans and animal-people may still be here, but maybe you countless world people won’t be here. […]

Above all, must make effort to change your life to a fitting moral standard. JUST REPENT, BE VEGAN, PRAISE AND THANK ALMIGHTY GOD!”

“So, try to encourage everyone to be vegan. And whoever listens to me now, please turn vegan right away to save your life, save your soul. If you turn vegan and are sincerely repentant, even you just call my name one time, I swear to all Heavens and hell and Earth and God Almighty that I will take you to Heaven.”

May Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Teaching be well-received by all of humanity in 2025 and beyond. May more people join the vegan circle and establish a new moral and spiritual foundation for the future generations on Earth.

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All Parts (18/26)
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