
In Peace, We Can Attain Heaven, Part 16 of 16, Feb. 18, 2007, Hsihu, Taiwan (Formosa)

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In Thailand, it was very scary. Too many people, and the facility – it was like smaller, the hotel. We got the biggest hotel filled. They had other guests, and it overflowed. And the government of Thailand… (Also had guests.) No, they came there to take care of us. We didn’t expect hundreds of toilets for us. (Oh, that’s nice.) The outside (ones). They didn’t expect anything to be paid, but then later, of course, we repaid them. But they didn’t… They just brought it like that. (That was so nice of them.) Yes. And when the Aulacese (Vietnamese) people or other people went, they hired like 10, 11 buses or something just to take them to the airport. And the police took care of all the papers. They went quickly. (That’s nice.) (That’s nice and sweet.) (That’s so sweet.) Isn’t that nice of Thailand’s people? (That’s really nice.) Yes.

And the police came and guarded us day and night, just in case. (That’s for sure.) (Wow.) Yes, we were just lucky. Not only did they not scold us for overflowing the hotel, but we had like five, six hotels in the vicinity. But we had to come together in one for the… (In one place.) Yeah, for meditation in a group and for conferences and all that. […]

(You did the painting?) Yes, yes, yes. This is my painting; my painting. This one is 1992, ‘93, something like that. And this is a similar period, I guess. (Nice painting.) (“Love Forest”. Beautiful.) […]

Thank God for everything, for a beautiful day and food. People say that praying or blessing your food is very important. (Yes.) It makes your food more lively and have more energy. Not just because of believing in God. Even they say the Name of God, it helps you already. The Japanese, they made an experiment (Yes.) on a glass of water. If they said some nice words or taped a nice person or saintly person’s name like “Mother Theresa,” then the water became pure and clean, and became different. Just like flowers, like the snow flower outside. If they said somebody’s bad name or – sorry – “hell” or something like that taped on it, the water became murky, dark and… They left it overnight or for some nights, and then the water changed quality according to the names they taped on it. (Wow.) Like you taped it on anything... A saintly, a good person. If you taped somebody bad, oh, it changed!

(Look at that, what is this?) It’s a dragon. (What a wonderful dragon!) Carved out of carrots. (Carrot. It’s carrot.) (That’s made out of carrot.) (Wow!) (This is an incredible sculpture.) (I’ve never seen a sculpture like this.) […] (What is it? Soup?) (It’s a soup. It’s an elixir; it’s like that.) Elixir, they call it. (It’s a soup?) Yes, I told them to give the foods different spiritual fancy names. Not like “vegan fish,” or, “Now we serve vegan shrimp.” […]

You know, we’re not really born for meat-eating. Our stomach is different from the tiger’s. Tigers have short… All the animal(-people) who eat meat, they have shorter intestines so that they can push out the meat quicker. Our intestines are long. That’s why if the meat is kept too long, it’s troubling like that, and they become more rotten, so we get ill easier. Because we were born vegan. All the vegan animal(-people) have the same, long intestines. All the meat-eating animal(-people) have short intestines. (I agree with that. That makes sense.) Scientific. […]
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