
Buddhistische Geschichten: Welche Verdienste wir durch Nächstenliebe und Einhaltung der fünf Gebote erlangen & Brahma bittet um den Dharma, Teil 8 von 10 03. August 2015

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Because sacrificing money or wife or children is not as difficult as sacrificing your own body and suffering slowly like that, not like a quick death. So, the Brahma wanted to remind the Buddha of the reason why He wanted to become Buddha, and so much sacrifice He had done. So now He attained Buddhahood, He should not have forgotten what He wanted to do, liberate other beings, even though it’s difficult. Yes, so at least He should try. And the Brahma saw that there are some numbers of beings who are ready for this teaching, can be taught, and can be saved, so please don’t look at others, the ignorant group, but teach these who are ready to hear; so he kept repeating the sacrifice of Buddha.
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