
Grace, Truth, and Righteousness – Selections From “Pistis Sophia,” Part 1 of 2

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We now present selections from “Pistis Sophia,” chapters 62 and 63.

“Concerning the Light-power of Lord Jesus Christ, which was prophesied in the past through the Prophet David in the eighty-fourth Psalm, saying: ‘Grace and truth met together, and righteousness and peace kissed each other. Truth sprouted forth out of the Earth, and righteousness looked down from Heaven.’

The other Mary came forward and said: ‘[…] My Lord, “Grace and truth met together,” – “grace” then is the Spirit who has come upon Thee, when Thou did receive the baptism from John. “Grace” then is the Godly Spirit who has come upon Thee; He has had mercy on the race of men, has come down and has met with the power of Sabaōth, the Good which is in Thee and which has made proclamation concerning the regions of Truth. It has said again: “Righteousness and peace kissed each other,” – “righteousness” then is the Spirit of the Light, which did come upon Thee and has brought the mysteries of the height, to give them unto the race of men. “Peace” on the other hand is the power of Sabaōth, the Good, which is in Thee, He who has baptized and has forgiven the race of men, and it has made them at peace with the sons of the Light. And moreover, as Thy power has said through David: “Truth sprouted forth out of the Earth,” – that is the power of Sabaōth, the Good, which sprouted forth out of Mary, Thy mother, the dweller on Earth. “Righteousness,” which “looked down from Heaven,” on the other hand is the Spirit in the height who has brought all mysteries of the height and given them to the race of men; and they have become righteous and good, and have inherited the Light-kingdom.’ […]”

“John also came forward and said: ‘O Lord, bid me also speak the solution of the words which Thy Light-power has prophesied in the past through David.’

And Jesus answered and said unto John: ‘To Thee too, John, I give commandment to speak the solution of the words which my Light-power has prophesied in the past through David: “Grace and truth met together, and righteousness and peace kissed each other. Truth has sprouted forth out of the Earth, and righteousness looked down from Heaven.”’

And John answered and said: ‘This is the word which Thou have said unto us in the past: “I have come out of the Height and entered into Sabaōth, the Good, and embraced the Light-power in him.” Now, therefore, “Grace and truth” which “met together,” – Thou are “grace,” Thou who are sent out of the regions of the Height through Thy Father, the First Mystery which looks within, in that He has sent Thee, that Thou may have mercy on the whole world. […]’”
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