
과일식가 사비나 씨와 그녀의 맛있는 요리법: 오이 스파게티, 방울토마토, 아보카도를 넣은 로메인 쌈

내용 요약
I am Sabina from the beautiful and green country of Slovenia. I have been a fruitarian for about four years. My transformation first started when I was 15 years old. I started to eat more fruits. Each of my meals consists of fruits. These are usually mono-meals, which means that I have only one type of fruit at a time. Yes, there are many advantages. My nails are better, and my skin is nice and glowing. I feel light after each meal and have good digestion. We’ll now join Sabina to prepare romaine wraps with raw fruit fillings as a treat for her friends.